I'm really struggling this evening for some reason I've been in and out of the kitchen cupboards haven't had any thing but I'm now sitting on my hands it's not because I'm hungry but can't help it just feel the need to eat HELLLLLLLPP
Ditto the above. I am heading to the bath soon to beat the niggling little cravings.
Just look at your loss so far, it's not worth sabotaging your hard work xx
You've done so well so far! Like the others have said, bath, paint your nails, do your hair, read a book, etc. Drink some water/bouillon/tea/coffee/coke zero, etc to see if that helps. If you are actually hungry then an extra pack is better than eating anything off plan, but if its not hunger and just cravings, try and take your mind off it.... Good luck, keep going!
Be strong. Remember why you are on this diet. Do you like to play any computer games, surprising how time flies when you are on one of them. Failing that have an early night x
Susie i have got so many high scores on games on Facebook now lol.
It is true though, the evenings fly by when i am on computer playing rather than sitting watching telly miserable because i am craving stuff xx
There are games on this site too, all I did yesterday when I was supposed to be doing uni work was sit on my computer playing silly games But its good at distracting you from thinking about food
Get busy doing something! Have a bath with lots of bubbles. It sounds very boring but get one of those jobs done that you've been meaning to do for ages but never get round to. Yesterday I went round oiling all the creaky hinges on the doors in my house (sad I know). I also mowed my very over-grown lawn. Anything that distracts your mind x
I know this is going to sound weird but today is my first day and I woke up feeling great and then as soon as I started thinking omg can I do this I went upstairs and fake tanned!! With how warm its been today combined with me fake tanning it totally got me into the motivational mood as I started thinking about how great I could look when summer actually arrives with a real tan wearing the clothes I want to wear!! Odd one I know but I feel good for it