On Xenical Under Your Doctor?

I am taking Xenical under my doctors supervsion. I will be weighed again on the 6th Septemeber so its just once a month. Is there anybody else doing it this way?
Yeah, I'm the same - it's so they can ensure you are loosing weight with xenical, and only prescribe you a month's worth of tablets at a time.

You could go to get weighed more if you like - most doctors offer a weight clinic service with a nurse, where you go to talk about your nutrition and get weighed (one to one appointments - not group) - these are often on a fortnightly basis.
I think you'll find that most people are doing it this way.
I used to go fortnightly to see the nurse, but the doctor had to authorise the prescription each month (as long as I was still losing weight).
I think the guidelines for presribing Xenical are that you should lose 5% (or more) of your total body weight within the first three months. As long as you do that, most doctors are happy to carry on prescribing, but you do have to keep going back for appointments.
I think it's in the guidelines that it has to be done this way, or at least the doctor has to monitor your weight loss in some way, it's up to them how often. My doctor gives me 2 months supply at a time but won't re-prescribe until I have been in to be weighed.

I disussed a gastric band with my doctor and he is more than happy to refer me but I chose to give this a try first. He said even if I have lost some weight he would still refer me so its positive all the way. Some doctors are not always so nice!
A gastric band? Wow that's a big thing! You have less to loose than quite a lot of people here - I recommend trying xenical properly first as a gastric band is a big, big decision!!
Gastric band??!! That seems a really extreme measure given your weight and height, you're not that much overweight, I imagine any doctor worth the name should be pushing you hard to lose weight in the conventional manner rather then referring you for dangerous surgery.

hi. welcome
i was pretty much your start weight when i started. but im a little shorter than you... i would never have gone down the band route. but thats just me.

i know its tough, but ive lost 4 stone since starting my diet and tablets in Sept/october last year.

give the tablets a good go, and do it within rules and you will be fine.
on xenical what are you allowed to eat. At present I'm on Lipotrim, its only my 3rd day but i am feeling a bit worn out and exhausted. As for the band i have been tempted to ask my Gp but never had the nerve to. Going back to xenical I weigh 17st and am a tiny touch under 5'8 and blessed (cursed) with an apple shape. Would i be able to get onto the xenical prescription, as i feel that I am struggling at mo on the plan that I'm on. I know it's early days but would love go back to being a weight of anything between 9st 1/2 to even 10st and 1/2.
I disussed a gastric band with my doctor and he is more than happy to refer me but I chose to give this a try first. He said even if I have lost some weight he would still refer me so its positive all the way. Some doctors are not always so nice!
I am sorry but I don't think your Doctor is nice I think he is being far too dramatic, a gastric band at your weight is not only ridiculous but so dangerous. You are far too young and far to light in weight :eek: According to the BMI index you are just class 11 obese where as I am way over the class 111 obesity level and I wouldn't dream of thinking of a gastric band.

There is no need anyway with your Doc happy to prescribe Xenical you are well on your way to success, I know as I lost, quite easily, 6 stone with it a decade or so back but unfortunately an unhappy relationship etc; put me back on the bad road, now I am determined this time to win and stay slimmer and I have a lot more to lose than you, basically I have to halve my weight. :eek:

My tip to read as much as of this forum, especially the Xenical diaries and you will not only get so many tips but terrific support as well, good luck on your journey and BTW take your measurements now, at the beginning as like me you will get weighed just once a month with your Doc and any other scales won't be as accurate but no-one can argue with a tape measure ;)
on xenical what are you allowed to eat. At present I'm on Lipotrim, its only my 3rd day but i am feeling a bit worn out and exhausted. As for the band i have been tempted to ask my Gp but never had the nerve to. Going back to xenical I weigh 17st and am a tiny touch under 5'8 and blessed (cursed) with an apple shape. Would i be able to get onto the xenical prescription, as i feel that I am struggling at mo on the plan that I'm on. I know it's early days but would love go back to being a weight of anything between 9st 1/2 to even 10st and 1/2.

I think you need to ask your GP - but be warned some are more willing to prescribe it than others. Unless you have a condition such as high blood pressure, diabetes, polycystic ovaries etc, you sometimes have to prove you are serious about weight loss by loosing a few pounds by yourself, if you do have a condition that is a result of being over weight or causes weight troubles then GP's are sometimes more keen to prescribe it.
I have always been refused in the past, no matter how hard I tried to loose but I relocated recently, so I had a new GP and they have discovered I have polycystic ovaries so I was automatically prescribed Xenical.

In terms of what you can eat - the diet is very flexible but you have to watch your fat intake. Don't eat more than 15g of fat per meal and only eat 5g per 100g. It's that simple.

Good luck xx
Thank you Kelly for responding so fast. I've only put on all of this weight in the past 5yrs which is when i starting suffering from Osteomalacia which was only diagnosed 8months after i was dragged kicking and screaming to the Doctors by my B/F which then turned into arthritis. I was always very super active until just over 5yrs ago when i was physically forced to slow down and there have many a time where i have been unable to physically move. I had asked my Dr if could do any sort exercise which he turned around and said i can do nothing apart from gentle walking. That did hurt me emotionally an awful lot as i used to walk a good 8 to 10/11 miles a day on average.
That being the case I'd definitely recommend asking to try Xenical, it does work (as long as you keep to a low fat diet) and I'm sorry if it offends anyone, but a gastric band should only be used if everything else has been exhausted first, it is life threatening surgery after all.

I'd recommend going to ask your GP Chiku. :)
Thank you Kelly for responding so fast. I've only put on all of this weight in the past 5yrs which is when i starting suffering from Osteomalacia which was only diagnosed 8months after i was dragged kicking and screaming to the Doctors by my B/F which then turned into arthritis. I was always very super active until just over 5yrs ago when i was physically forced to slow down and there have many a time where i have been unable to physically move. I had asked my Dr if could do any sort exercise which he turned around and said i can do nothing apart from gentle walking. That did hurt me emotionally an awful lot as i used to walk a good 8 to 10/11 miles a day on average.

Can you do swimming?
Thank-you Kelly and Kes,
I had called my Dr today and got called back a few hours later and was told that swimming I could only do in well heated swimming pools. As for going on Xen' my Dr had said to me to stick with the Lipotrim for a few months.
I went into my Pharmacist to just get double confirmation about my back and stomach pains and she said exactly what Dr had confirmed that my stomach is changing and adapting to the total food replacement on Lipotrim and that my back was due to the arthritis. Which normally affects my hip down to my toes including knees and on a few different areas on my arms and right hand.

At the Pharmacist i also got weighed to see how I was getting on. Which I'm pleased to say that I have lost 5 lbs :D in 4 days.
So that has definitely perked me up. Shall continue with the plan and see how far I get in a few as my Pharmacist did say that I should get down to 140 - 150 lbs by December at the latest. WHich does sound promising.

I did go to Dr yesturday and had spoken about my fear of excess skin once i do lose approximately 100lbs and was told that if that is the case then, then I should go back to them and they will make the necessary referrals. (fingers crossed i hope they chuck in a few healthy bones, free of arthritis ~ hey I'm allowed to dream)
Hi everyone, Well i'm not new to MM's and have been on CD twice and lost total of 3.5 stone's first time and only 2.5 second time around. Well went to GP's on Thursday and i'm starting Xenical on monday. My GP was really good and as my BMI is now 44:9 was willing to apply for funding for me to have a Gastric Bypass after looking at my family history and that i started my dieting lifestyle 31 years ago [aged 13]. after talking through the options i decided to give this ago - i agree Surgery is the last ever resort.... Hopefully I'll not need it. BTW the posts here have helped me devise my eating plan etc so thanks to everyone. x