I am taking Xenical under my doctors supervsion. I will be weighed again on the 6th Septemeber so its just once a month. Is there anybody else doing it this way?
I am sorry but I don't think your Doctor is nice I think he is being far too dramatic, a gastric band at your weight is not only ridiculous but so dangerous. You are far too young and far to light in weight According to the BMI index you are just class 11 obese where as I am way over the class 111 obesity level and I wouldn't dream of thinking of a gastric band.I disussed a gastric band with my doctor and he is more than happy to refer me but I chose to give this a try first. He said even if I have lost some weight he would still refer me so its positive all the way. Some doctors are not always so nice!
on xenical what are you allowed to eat. At present I'm on Lipotrim, its only my 3rd day but i am feeling a bit worn out and exhausted. As for the band i have been tempted to ask my Gp but never had the nerve to. Going back to xenical I weigh 17st and am a tiny touch under 5'8 and blessed (cursed) with an apple shape. Would i be able to get onto the xenical prescription, as i feel that I am struggling at mo on the plan that I'm on. I know it's early days but would love go back to being a weight of anything between 9st 1/2 to even 10st and 1/2.
Thank you Kelly for responding so fast. I've only put on all of this weight in the past 5yrs which is when i starting suffering from Osteomalacia which was only diagnosed 8months after i was dragged kicking and screaming to the Doctors by my B/F which then turned into arthritis. I was always very super active until just over 5yrs ago when i was physically forced to slow down and there have many a time where i have been unable to physically move. I had asked my Dr if could do any sort exercise which he turned around and said i can do nothing apart from gentle walking. That did hurt me emotionally an awful lot as i used to walk a good 8 to 10/11 miles a day on average.
We know! I think the OP was making the point about having to be weighed by the doctor on a regular basis before he would prescribe the next batch.xenical is a prescription only drug peoples xoxo