This is from the FAQs on the SW website
Q: Is target membership free once I reach my goal with Slimming World Online?
A: Target membership isn't free with Slimming World Online membership, and although we’d love to, at the present time we’re unable to offer Online target members free access to the website. We won’t go into the reasons – we’re sure you’ve already thought about some of the difficulties it would pose.
Of course we’d love you to stay on as a member and once the bells and whistles have stopped sounding, we’ll provide you with plenty of information about how to maintain your target by Food Optimising. We'll still encourage you to fill up on Free Food and enjoy your 5-15 Syns every day, as well as increasing your Healthy Extras until you find a lovely balance that keeps your weight stable.
You will still be able to weigh-in as usual and, because a weight change of 3lbs either side of your Personal Achievement Target is normal, an increase of up to 3lbs won’t trigger the same kind of support you may have received before – you’ll still be at your target and we’ll still be celebrating! You can change your target at any time - up or down (to a minimum BMI of 20). Keep logging in and entering your weight every 7 days for Slimming World Online's support to help you on your journey of success!
Once you’ve reached your target, we’d love you to share your success with us as it would really inspire your fellow Online members. All you need to do is fill in one of our success questionnaires - these can be found in the ‘inspiration and support > share your story’ section. We can’t wait to hear from you!
What they are skirting around is that its impossible for them to know for sure that you have reached target and are staying there, and people might lie about it to get and retain free membership