Hehe! It's tricky to get into the mind set of it! There's loads of threads on here about using your syns and weight loss. The idea of them is that by having those little treats or using them to improve food (oil, gravy, sauce etc) the diet is more sustainable! If you just wanted to have a few more try adding Mayo/ salad cream to salads. Or having flora, jams etc on your hex b toast? Or if you'd like me get a bag of low syn Chocs. Fave of mine is 2 finger kitkats - 5.5 syns. For me knowing something like this is available to me at the end of a long day makes sticking to the plan the rest of the day easier!
Best advice is have a long mooch around this site as so much of this has been discussed/said before by newbies (me included)
Good luck with your weight loss!! Xx