I agree with Angie and Ria, it doesn't work for me if I do a full week of it and want to lose weight but I maintain great on it.
I think for newer members (like the maid) then it will work great, however, for us "old school" members then it's a bit difficult to get our heads around and we are used to both A's and B's. I reckon we probably have more red/green than those just starting out as we are used to having whole meals made from red/green foods with a little bit of the other. Does that make sense? It does in my head anyway!!!
Plus...... SW do say if your losses slow down and you want a boost then switch to red and green plans as it's more measured.
There's no denying that there are great weight losses on EE but it's not for everyone, just like some people feel bloated on green days and so do more red.
Rambling now, but hope this makes sense!!!