Our journey


Full Member
Today myself and my partner start our weight loss journey. We are in this together for the long run. We would both like to lose 4 stone each. Anything after that would be a huge bonus.

Iv an important event (my graduation) taking place in 7 weeks and I would like to fit into the dress I bought (I'm not to far off)

I have struggled with my weight for years. Actually iv struggled trying to keep my mouth shut. I enjoy all the things I shouldn't, yet really enjoy the foods I should too. I suppose its about getting the balance right.

I am active so this should stand to me. I play sports 3 times a week.

My partner has put on 4 stone in the last two years. He like myself has eaten quick and easy food. He never eats breakfast, doesn't eat veg and has never dieted before. He walks a lot in work so hopefully this will stand to him too.
Day one is over. I felt grand. I was a little hungry but nothing terrible. I think it's all in the mind.

I have a terrible headache this morning though :-( however after an hour running around playing football I should feel better.

Other half got on grand too. Thank god
Headaches today :-( I'm not sure if it's from not drinking as much tea, or not enough water. I'm nearly through my second litre.

Also had a massive clearout on the pot! I wasn't expecting that at all!

Partner is doing well too.

So far so good
It must be fantastic to have company on this journey. I am constantly cooking for my hubbie and three hungry boys. Hopefully ye can spur each other on to goal. Plus I bet you will find you have more time and could do some nice things together:)
What day are ye on now?
How u and the hubby getting on jo? The better half and me have just completed the week nearly and been 100%. Weigh in tomorrow. Can't wait. Col (fiancé) felt abit ill this week but he got through it. Hopefully second week will be better for him. I am flying through it. Second time round for me an I thought I would find it hard. But it is all good at the min.
