There is a Delia Smith pancake receipe on the bbc website which, when you work out the syns is 25 if you don't count the milk as part of your HEA. Makes 12 pancakes apparently. 20 if you do count the Milk as a HEA. Which split between 2 of you is fine!
110g/4oz plain flour, sifted
pinch of salt
2 eggs
200ml/7fl oz milk mixed with 75ml/3fl oz water
I made flourless pancakes today, had them with golden syrup and calorie-free caramel sauce. More like a fluffy omelette/meringue than a pancake, but REALLY nice! And free!
I'm afraid tomorrow is going to be an off-plan day! i'm making American pancakes...while the syn-free pancakes are yummy they just don't cut it like a proper pancake on Pancake Day xx