Gold Member
Not sure where to put this, it's not a recipe, more a HAAAAAAAAAAALP!!!! Moron's Guide To Cooking Request
As some of you know I dont eat much meat so dont really know how to cook the stuff At the w/e I am having partridge breast wrapped in ham. Ive got 2 whole partridges.
My question is:
- once I've cut the breast off to use is the rest of it any good for eating or is there not really enough left to eat? (it wouldn't be me who eats it as I dont like any other bit of poultry than the breast as I find it too fatty, but In thought the b/f could eat it?)
- If so how is best to cook it? Ive only ever roast a chicken, like, twice in my life, and I had to get instructions then Was years ago now and as most of it (breast) is gone anyway is there a better way of doing it?
- ALSO - how on earth do I cut the breast bit off? Rather than just tearing into it with an axe like I intended to I thought while Im here I might as well ask if theres a 'proper' way to do it?
I dont know my arse from my cock/erel where meat is concerned
Ta for any help
As some of you know I dont eat much meat so dont really know how to cook the stuff At the w/e I am having partridge breast wrapped in ham. Ive got 2 whole partridges.
My question is:
- once I've cut the breast off to use is the rest of it any good for eating or is there not really enough left to eat? (it wouldn't be me who eats it as I dont like any other bit of poultry than the breast as I find it too fatty, but In thought the b/f could eat it?)
- If so how is best to cook it? Ive only ever roast a chicken, like, twice in my life, and I had to get instructions then Was years ago now and as most of it (breast) is gone anyway is there a better way of doing it?
- ALSO - how on earth do I cut the breast bit off? Rather than just tearing into it with an axe like I intended to I thought while Im here I might as well ask if theres a 'proper' way to do it?
I dont know my arse from my cock/erel where meat is concerned
Ta for any help