Paul McKenna: I Can Make You Slim book


Dizzy blonde
Has anyone read this? It comes with a CD. I've just got it, but a quick look at it reveals that it's very anti-diet, so not sure how it will fit in with CD or LT. Think he encourages you to forget dieting and just eat when you are really hungry. Worried that it will just addle my brain even more:confused:

Anyone else used it? I asked my CDC, and she said it really helped her mother lose a lot of weight. Suppose I will read it, but just wondered if anyone else had any thoughts.
oh it sent me to sleep! xxlolxx
I listened to the cd ...but again it just put me to sleep lol
He goes on about chewing slowly and enjoying every mouthful lol loads of s**te in my opinion ...but it may have work for someone else!
Ohhhh would be great for getting off to sleep on LT LOL
me too.....kept the fire going great one night.....he he.... x
I dont like him anyway hes a right condisending so and so! xx
Bang It On Ebay...some Sucker Will Buy It...not Me This Time Lol
So I'm sensing not a great deal of use then:rolleyes:

too easy for someone of his phisique to say dieting is no good....he'd think different if his wife had my tum........mayb hes not he against that too????
too easy for someone of his phisique to say dieting is no good....he'd think different if his wife had my tum........mayb hes not he against that too????
LMFAO...Now you are really getting in to it hahahah
:D:D:D Not the Paul McKenna fan club meeting! I only bought it coz I was reading IceMoose's blog and he recommended it. I'll give it a go anyway and let you know what I think. I even bought the Diary as well. *hides*:eek:
Weak willy you sound bitter did he sleep with you lol xx
:D:D:D Not the Paul McKenna fan club meeting! I only bought it coz I was reading IceMoose's blog and he recommended it. I'll give it a go anyway and let you know what I think. I even bought the Diary as well. *hides*:eek:
We've all done it hun...i think i have every diet book going and i am still buying lol:confused:
Talking of sleep, I'm off to beddy byes. Night all :nightf:
nite cee
night cee cee
This book does work suprisingly enough - its all about changing the way your brain thinks about food.

HOWEVER - his book requires a lot of will power more than you would ever need with LT. For example he encourages you to leave some food on your plate... and then throw it out. Now if I was able to that easily I wouldnt be fat.

But dont knock it - this book has worked for loads of people but please dont mix it with LT or you'll get your head in a right state!!
Has anyone read this? It comes with a CD. I've just got it, but a quick look at it reveals that it's very anti-diet, so not sure how it will fit in with CD or LT. Think he encourages you to forget dieting and just eat when you are really hungry. Worried that it will just addle my brain even more:confused:

Anyone else used it? I asked my CDC, and she said it really helped her mother lose a lot of weight. Suppose I will read it, but just wondered if anyone else had any thoughts.

I read it last year and I actually found it quite effective, I lost weight and then I slipped into my bad habbits again. But it teaches you the main principles of eating sensibly and i'm going to read it again once i'm on refeed, it will help me to remember food is always there, i dont need to scoff it down all at once, and i only need to eat when im hungry etc. See how it goes anyway hehe.

Lene x
I bought the set off QVC as well, I used it for a while and it did seem to work, but when I stopped listening to it every day I forgot the 'mind programming' and then put on two stone...and ended up on lipotrim.....I plan on using it when I go back to the real world of food and hopefully I can learn new eating habits!