Full Member
Hello all,
I joined weight watchers on Monday (4/3/2013) and have chosen to do the online only this time around (use to do monthly pass over a year ago) only done weight watchers before for literally a few weeks, done it with a friends and in all honesty my head wasn't completly in it at all. Never tracked, found it really hard to point things so gave up at the 1 at hurdle
well this time I'm back and am looking to stick to it 100%! I weighed myself on Sunday night and weighed in at 13st 3lb, I'm 5foot 2 so am considered heavily overweight
anyway, I'm really hoping to be happier with my body by summer (lets hope it's not just wishful thinking)! So my daily points is 28 and 49 weekly. Since Monday I've worked quite well fitting in my 28 points and have gone between 2-4 of my weekly points, on a daily basis. I've been naughty and weighed myself today (yes I no weekly is suggested)
but was pleased to see my weight is 12s 10lb! I'm aware that this is a good number probally due to water weight I believe but am so happy to see a loss never the less
soooo, I'm looking Foward to reading and sharing stories on my journey with weigh watchers, especially as I won't be attending meetings, will be lovely to share tips etc with fellow weight watcher participaters on here
good luck everyone and hope to speak soon
I joined weight watchers on Monday (4/3/2013) and have chosen to do the online only this time around (use to do monthly pass over a year ago) only done weight watchers before for literally a few weeks, done it with a friends and in all honesty my head wasn't completly in it at all. Never tracked, found it really hard to point things so gave up at the 1 at hurdle