Crikey, Sian! If you think your nose is enormous, mine makes me look like the wicked witch of the West! I've got a right bump in it (thanks, Mum). Oops, here I go again, criticising myself!
Actually, I was moaning a few years ago, to my partner, as we were getting ready to go out for the evening, about the skinniness of my legs - another attribute I have to thank my Mum for! The thing is, she was slim all over; I'm just out of proportion!!
However, on a serious note, at the time I was working with a primary age child who had been born with one leg much shorter than the other and my partner said, 'Yours might be thinner than you'd like but I think --- would still choose them over hers.' It did make me think how superficial some of the things we fret about are and, you know, this particular child has grown into the most beautiful young woman. She's taken herself off to Uni, gets glammed up for nights out and has the most amazing smile ever!
It's definitely made me think twice before moaning so much about my appearance.
Kathy xx