Hi Bex,
Wow - that's amazing and really inspiring that you've managed to lose so much (as someone on the start on this particular weight-loss journey that is really helpful to hear). But I can imagine how worrying it might be to feel that familiar slide back in to old habits and feeling out of control with it. That's a vibe I'm familiar with, and one that I'm aware my happen once I'm trying to maintain my weight too. I very much doubt you're alone in it (and there are probably loads of other people on here who can relate and may be better placed to say stuff than me ... seeing as I've not yet managed to lose so much of the weight I carry around!).
I guess the one bit I can really relate to is the out of control feeling, and the guilt/low-ness and general self-kicking part. For me, it becomes a cycle - those horrible feelings leave me feeling powerless and that leads to more eating, which then leads to more powerless feelings ... and a giant lot of avoiding the scales (then it's easy for me to put on weight because I trick myself into thinking .. 'i'll step on once i've lost this bit i know i've put on' as if not seeing it on the scales means it's not real. So, I'm 100% genuine when I say this - how amazing that you've recognised stuff is starting to slip, weighed yourself (which, from my experience is really brave) and then decided you want to do something about it. Very cool. Trying to put on the breaks at 11 lb is so much better than leaving it for longer.
As to what to do, I'm guessing that you know this better than I do - as you've already been on the right path. For me, what helped me get back on the path (after a couple of years of slippage and re-gaining about 1.5 stones that I'd lost) was that a combination of a 'crunch point' (you know, the bit where you think - if I don't do this now, I never will ... and I need to do it now) and a mental shift (focusing on being gentle and kind to myself, trying to not see my body as the enemy - but a reflection of how I'm feeling and trying to work with all that). I had a read of a cool book a friend recommended to me (Susie Orbach's 'On Eating') which helped as well. Once i'm off the diet, I think that book will come into its own. That combo of making a decision and being kind to ourselves isn't easy though.
I've had years of eating and body image stuff (literally since childhood), so I know that losing the weight won't completely re-set things and some of the reasons I ate like I did will still be relevant, even then. I guess I'm hoping that - like you - I'll notice when it's starting to happen and seek support if I need it.
Whatever you to do help yourself right now - I still think what you've achieved is amazing