Monday morning on the way to work my already weak left ankle went over and I found myself one minute walking and the next minute on the ground. I heard a crack, saw stars and felt nauseous. I managed to hobble to the bus stop, caught my breath and got the bus to work (I usually walk). Found my right knee had skin scraped off (said skin still on the inside of my trousers ew) and ankle swelling up by the minute.
At lunch time I went to see the acupuncturist near work (not the crazy Chinese doctor lady who wanted to make me slim and beautiful lol) and she said I'll have to come back tomorrow for treatment when the swelling has gone down a bit cos she uses heat with acupuncture.
Ice pack and elevated ankle for the rest of the evening and it's turned blue
I'm so annoyed. I usually get this when I'm tired and worn out. Last time was 4 years ago and it was so bad I had to have 6 weeks of physiotherapy and haven't been able to wear heels since.
Most upsetting of all - when I got home and got changed I noticed my Fitbit was missing. It must have popped out when I fell. I'm so gutted, it goes everywhere with me. I feel lost without it

I've emailed the Fitbit people to find out if mine is still under warranty so fingers crossed.
Today has been a really shitty day, feeling really sorry for myself