Polycystic Ovaries


Full Member
Does anyone else suffer from this and has it made your weight loss more difficult?
I have the cysts but I don't have the syndrome which means that the docs can't do anything about it. They did tell me that it would be slightly harder for me to lose weight because of it

i have an appt @ the hospital today for an ultrasound scan, to determine whether or not i actually have PCOS. I was told 6 years ago (when i was 15) that i have PCOS but docs were reluctant to do anything, even give me a scan. Hopefully find out today, and will ask how it affects my weight, as i do find it difficult to lose. There must be something wrong as my periods started when i was 9 and stopped after i had a really bad one, which left m in bed for a week, when i was twelve. im abit scared :(
I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was in my early 20s, and yes I find it does make it harder for me to lose weight. Having PCOS makes its harder to metabolise carbs ( from what I remember being told), and I find that if I stick to low carb diets , the weight does come off a wee bit easier :)
You probably won't get any answers from the hospital, they will do the scan and if you get a nice sonographer they might tell you what they see but they won't be able to tell you how that translates into a diagnosis. They will send their findings back to your doctor and your doc will talk you through it. The scan is only a small part of it though, the blood tests and symptoms hold most of the answers x
thanks for the replies - back from the scan now, had blood tests done already so thats it all out the way. the nurse confirmed it is PCOS but to go back in a few weeks for full results including blood test results. finally getting somewhere after 6 years!!!
I have pcos too and have had since i was 18.. its awful and my periods are haywire because of it, I tried for a baby for two years before i had to go through a long list of treatment before finally getting pregnant!! she is 2 now and i have been trying since for another without fail.. but hopefully loosing this weight it will kick start my ovaries and i may not need treatment again.

O x
I was diagnosed back in '92 and it certainly makes it harder for me to loose weight. Even if i stick to it rigidly I never get the results that others seem to get :(