Porridge Oats

I have a fantastic recipe for muffins and pancakes. Both contain porridge oats. But both are blended so the oats don't really resemble oats. Providing I work out quantities (35g dry) can these oats be used as a healthy extra? Or is that classed as food abuse in the same way cooking a banana or apple is.

I really love the muffins so i will make them regardless as the syn value is low and obviously a lot less that shop bought.

Thank you guys!
It wouldn't be food abuse but unless you're going to eat them all yourself you can't really use them as your HEb + syns. Yes, you could split your HEb and eat them over a couple of days but it'd probably just be best to syn the whole lot & calculate the syns per muffin/pancake.
Is there any chance you could post the recipe, please? These sound great :)
I'd like to see the recipe too please :D