Princessfiona- My new LL journey


Regular Member
Have decided to start a new thread.

Have been on a long and slow weight loss journey but all in the right direction!!

Strated off last July at 15st 6lbs. Joined Cambridge and lost 3 1/2 stones. I have a break in October for hols and after that it was very hard to get back on track. didnt have any gains but losses were very slow.

CDC moved away and as I am deternmined to finish this journey I signed up for lighter life 2 weeks ago. My first weigh-in last week I lost 5lbs and WI 2 is tomorrow.

I have only 27-30 lbs to loose now to get to a bmi of 23-24. I am a little concerned what will happen if I reach this before 14 weeks re up. I really want to do maintenance as I realise that it is keeping ot off that is tha hard bit.