Protien shakes insted of CD or Slimfast


Full Member
I am thinking of using protien shakes as meal repalcements and then have a small balanced dinner in the evening EG veg with chicken or fish. Do you think I will still be able to loose weight as effectivley as CD on this plan?
Hi Shorty,

I have a good number of weight loss clients and they have a great loss using herbalife which is based around 2 protein shakes a day and an evening meal. it is effective and in my opinion gives far more energy than CD does as it contains a lot more vitamins/mineral and of course, protein. Concentrating on keeping muscle mass and ridding you of fat, it gives more focus on shaping your body too. if you need any more info you can email me at ktunison @ (but all put together, of course)

best of luck with whatever you do :D
Whatever you do, you need to be very careful what you choose. Most protein shakes do not contain the sort of nutrition you need if you're using them as a meal replacement...they contain....protein.
hey hon. i don't think you would benefit as much as doing something like cd or ll. the meal you have in the evening would have to be incredibly regimented. and do you have the discipline to do that?? i have seen others try this kind of thing instead of opting for cd and they've always come back again after they can't keep it up long term...

abz xx