
Hi there Jim I was wondering what made you choose and stick with atkins? It certainly is a trickier diet plan to follow! Hope you dont mind me asking. : )
Hey Shell...

Jim won't be about til Monday. He's usually cuddling his grand-daughter at the weekends.
Personally I think its very simple, count carbs end of!

What do you find tricky?
Thanks 4 that ladies what a great read! I think u start atkins thinking no bread,pasta.potatoes etc. Free meat and veg! But really as u said its all about counting the carbs! Week 1 almost done and not 2 bad! Havent had any cravings. thats a plus! : )
Hey Shell...

Jim won't be about til Monday. He's usually cuddling his grand-daughter at the weekends.
Personally I think its very simple, count carbs end of!

What do you find tricky?

I was indeed. :D