Quick 1000 plan question


How come you seem to get so many more new potatoes as compared to baked potato?

Because you are evil and are allowed to eat, and i'm not so i don't like you

Ah yes but I love you and it is only for that reason that I won't let you have my last potato!

lol sorry Georgie i dont know i havent eaten ANY potatoes oh well except sweet potatoes since starting this diet
I'm just sulking thats all. Only so much flaming sparkly water i can drink to feel better. May be really naughty and order a film for the telebox....:)

Good luck with your potato, and enjoy it xxxxx
Leave it with me Georgie, if no one comes up with the answer I will find out for you. I'm not sure of the answer. Unless it's something to do with the skins and fibre. ***shrugs***.
I'll save you one for when you are on the plans hun but it may be a bit mouldy by then!! Did you manage to persuade oli?

Great will power Nina I was on them as soon as I was allowed!!

Thanks Maggie, don't go to any trouble, I was just curious. I had baked potato with cottage cheese the other night and it was such a small amount of potato it was pretty much just cottage cheese, but there are always loads of new potatos!! Just an oddity!

lol i was just too concerned about the carb content coz im really addicted to carbs so i'd rather go without than have a few plus my tummy's been a lot less bloated since i've cut them out and sweet potatoes are yummy and cous cous mmmmm :) What you having them with?
I mix them in with salad and balsamic vinegar and have with some fish, yum but reading your post was interesting as I am sure my tummy has been more bloated lately. Also been having couscous which I love, put a few chives and some pepper in this evening, yum!

No, i didnt. Nice to have the place to myself though, and it's good for him to have some "man time" - dunno what the hell they get up to (don't want to know)
He's worried about me though, keeps texting every 5 mins.

I love the way you havent actually got any sensible answers on this thread yet - best is Maggie with effort, second is Nina with a vague explanation, and i'm just interfering :D
carry on interfering hun it's making me smile! and it stops me puzzling about something as trivial as quantities of potato xx
vague lol i didnt give an answer atall :p

I've got ibs Georgie and used to be really troubled with it before starting this diet i havent had any ibs troubles since the diet so something's obviously working :) Oooo eorgie goole the answer maybe it'll tell you teehee
Ive found you're answer Georgie: ahem (clears throat)

"Some varieties of potato contain greater glycoalkaloid concentrations than others"
nina you nerd, thats just funny!

Nicky and Maggie discussing potato on MSN?? Can anyone think of anything funnier atm?

hahahahahah, i love you lot xxx
Gotta luv you guys you have an answer for every question no matter how obscure - thanks, think I will stick with the new potatoes much better eating value!!

Thanks all
teehee i don't like conundrums lol and why not abuse this wealth of knowledge at the end of my fingertis.....and you're only jealous that you didnt find it first :p teehee
hey BLue grapefruit.....ive just realised grapefruits ARENT blue so im confused now