Quick! More determination needed please


Losing it!
I've got major munchies, which combined with a girly night out (a once a year thing for me!) is making the naughty angel on my shoulder encourage me to go off plan.

I'm holding out, haven't given in yet, but as tonight edges closer it's going to get more difficult to hold firm.

Please send some determination my way and tell me how bad it's going to be if I stray!
DON'T do it (!) and if you do and can't help it then hey ho get back on the wagon tomorrow. Mind you if like me it's a really great bunch of people that you don't need to be drunk to enjoy time with your halo will be so bright if you stick to diet coke (or pepsi max which gets me as high as a kite!). Whatever decision you make, good or not so good it is returning to the plan straight away that will be the make or break! Don't be hard on yourself. Go with a relaxed open mind and see how you feel but I know you can make it a dukan friendly night and still have a great time without the awful hangover!!!!
Sending you lots of determination over x
have some of my determination x Ill need it back tommorrow though to resist those damn ritz crackers :p
Have some Dukan friendly stuff to eat before you go out, then you won't feel as hungry and it will provide ballast if you do go astray...(lol!)
If you must drink alcohol- and I readily concede that would be where I would fall by the wayside - I find alternating one alcoholic with one low cal soft drink means I stay hydrated and not so bad the next morning!
And if you do fall off big time, nothing you can do about it but don't let it phase you, just carry on where you left off and don't weigh yourself for a couple of days is my advice.

Good luck & lots of determined vibes coming your way
Thank you everyone.

In the end I decided to go off plan so I could have a few drinks and nibbles.

I almost never go out in the evening (yesterday was the only time this year!) so I chose to be relaxed about what passed my lips.

I'm right back on track this morning, I'm thankfully not feeling the morning-after munchies and my weight is the same as when I last weighed.

Quite pleased that I'm not wanting to stuff my face with bad food, the rest of my life it's what's I've done when I've broken a diet. Perhaps I really am learning good new habits!

Happy Thursday everyone :)