Quirkyme's diary!


So I'm a classic case of a yo yo dieter...I have been losing and gaining weight for the past 9 or 10 years and now I've decided enough is enough!

Recently I've been starting the exante diet every morning and over indulging by night time. I'm too embarrassed to even discuss my weight and eating habits with my friends...as understanding as they are they must be sick of it now!

I need to lose approximately 3 and a half stones...I want to lose the first stone and a half quickly via exante and then the remaining two stones gradually.

I hope to record my food and thoughts on here. I am starting exante total solutions in the morning...if anybody would like to join in in any way please feel free xxx
Hello and welcome :)

Hi Darcy!

Thank you :) I had a read through last night of your posts from back in 2011..and I feel so motivated having read those!

I am battling already and it is just day 1..seeing my colleagues eat biscuits and crisps made me think maybe I could have some too..but I've managed to resist so far.

My start weight is 14.6.2.

Today I've had 2 packs so far:

Gingerbread Latte and a gooey very berry pudding.

At the moment everytime I've felt tempted I've thought about this site and my diary instead and thought about how much satisfaction I will feel if I post that I managed to stick for a whole day..
And that is my third pack.. white chocolate and Raspberry Shake

Need to up my water intake tomorrow as I've barely had a litre today...but going to sleep for now a. Because I didn't sleep much last night and b. To simply resist the temptation!
Hi, welcome.

I hope your day 1 has gone well.
Hi Quirky. Welcome to the site
Hi Sybersadie and Aloize..and thank you :)

I woke up a short while ago and I feel rough! Really rough! I'm going to stay in bed I reckon just to keep away from temptation.

Part of me is tempted to have a meal tomorrow consisting of proteins only but I'm going to try desperately to resist. I think yo yo dieting over the years has resulted in me developing really bad eating habits.

I feel like I have to eat when I really don't need to and I more often than not over indulge.

This is why I feel it's so important for me to manage to stick to just packs..to teach my body all that food really is not necessary!
Hope today is going better. Try to increase your fluid intake. If you can't manage so much water try some tea infusions. It took me a few days to get my fluid intake up as I was struggling with drinking so much water. I have managed to increase my water intake to 2 litres then take on the rest of my fluids in the form of mint tea.
Day 2 of total solution completed!

@Darcy15 I was so tempted to eat something just before midday..and then I saw an email alert telling me what you had posted on this thread:

The first few days are tough, no denying it - but get past that and it all gets so much easier :)

And it stopped me at that moment in time! Thank you!

I had such a rough day at work but the late pm was definitely the worst of it all..I just kept thinking about how I could have a bit of chocolate to make myself feel better but I resisted! I'm so proud of myself. I know I have only had two days of sticking but for me that is such an achievement.

Because I have yo yo'd for so long I am use to playing with the diet, I try to do my own version of Atkins...I have packs, and I add protein meals, some chocolate in amounts that doesn't contain more carbs than a pack...a tea with skimmed milk etc...and this works well for me until I have a bad day and that protein meal turns into a 10 course meal...and then the bad day turns into bad weeks!

So because I am use to playing with my diet it has been a long long time since I have just stuck to packs...I was drinking several cups of tea a day and for the past two days I've had no tea at all.

I've managed 2.75 litres of water and 3 packs: creamy coconut shake, chocolate chip cookie and a salted caramel pudding. I did end up sleeping all evening again but I'm hoping this exhaustion is temporary...I'm not surprised though with how much I have been eating recently, this drop in calorie intake much be a massive shock to my body.
@quirkyme I'm with you on two counts the tea drinking and tinkering with diets. I've done both!

I've done so many diets and I know them all off by heart. Then I would tinker and play around like you so that I would be on a diet, but my own version. I would play around with it to the point I was just not doing the diet. Then I would get depressed at not losing weight that I would give in and eat rubbish.

As to tea I used to drink cups of the stuff everyday. Part of your tiredness may be caffeine withdrawal. I had a persistent headache, despite upping my fluids, and excessive tiredness in the first few days.

Mint tea was not on my radar until just before the diet though. Then I went for coffee with a friend and as I was already a bit wired with caffeine (from tea drinking) thought I would try mint. It was surprisingly refreshing. As I can only drink real tea with milk I've swapped over to mint completely for the diet.

Keep going - you can get through the initial few days :)
Keep going!

I felt dreadful for the first few days - headache, exhausted, irritable and anything else you care to mention! :eek:

Then I woke up one morning and felt on top of the world

.....and have felt energised since! :D

Tough advice, but stick to the plan exactly as it says. Once you start 'tinkering' it is a slippery slope :rolleyes:
So today I've had another day of managing to stick to my packs!

I've managed in excess of 3 litres of water as well.

I have been having mood swings throughout the day at work which is a bit frustrating..and I've been in bed since I've got home..but on the plus side I've not slept all evening or felt the urge..just in bed because I'm cold.

Again I found myself tempted by chocolate today..but another day has passed and I have resisted.

I really hope I can keep this up!
@quirkyme I'm with you on two counts the tea drinking and tinkering with diets. I've done both!

I've done so many diets and I know them all off by heart. Then I would tinker and play around like you so that I would be on a diet, but my own version. I would play around with it to the point I was just not doing the diet. Then I would get depressed at not losing weight that I would give in and eat rubbish.

Ahh it's kind of reassuring to hear that others have experienced this..but this won't be us anymore! Fingers crossed!

I am kind of looking forward to re examining my relationship with food and my eating habits after losing some weight!

Hehe on a side note I got into the lift this morning with a colleague and HONESTLY the pasta in his hand was talking to me.
Quirkyme has been a naught girl :(

I managed 4 days on TS...and then on the 5th day I managed to end up at the local Chinese eatery...managed the following day on TS. And then went out on Sunday, and although I had food I was good...I stuck to mostly proteins...

So I thought today okay it's Monday today let's have a fresh start...I managed my two packs today and then...as soon as I got in after an extremely long day and stressful day at work...I came home and gorged on pizza, chips, potato wedges the works...oh and some other food...but I won't go through that right now

Point of the story is I messed up!

I'm not willing to give up though! I'm starting again tomorrow and going to try to get 4 days of TS under my belt and then this weekend stick to proteins. It's oh so hard and I'm gutted that I ruined it considering I was doing so well. I've done this before but lost heart and over indulged because I was annoyed...can't do that this time round and won't let myself!
How's it going Quirkyme? Hope things are back on track.