Random recipies


Full Member
Thought I would post some of my favourite recipes on here so when I'm stuck for ideas I can remember what ive enjoyed In the past!
So last night I made a sweet potato curry.

The recipe serves 4 and is 186 calories per portion.

500g sweet potato
150g mushrooms
150g peppers
300g onion
5tsp curry powder
1 tin tomato
1 tbl spn tomato puree
Salt to taste

Chop the potato mushrooms peppers and onions up fairly small and add the curry powder, I then blasted it in the microwave to soften but you can stick it straight in the oven. Then I put the tin of tomatoes in and put in the oven for about an hour at 180 degrees. When the potato is soft add the purée and leave for another five mins then it's ready to serve!
I had this with cauliflower rice and loved it. Think I've managed to include a pic too...


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