So today was day 3 of my restart - again!! And all was going great. But then I get home from work and my oh has bought loads And loads of sweets for halloweeners. Despite the fact that I told him that I had not bought anything on purpose as I didn't think I could cope w having it in the house. Not only did he bring it into the house but he opened it all up and left it all sitting out in a big bowl on kitchen counter - not even in a cupboard where I could avoid it!
I am so angry and feel like I am getting no support. So of course it's all I can think about all night. I should have just thrown it out but I didn't and I ended up cheating and eating some and then made matters worse by thinking stuff it and having a done toast.
. Am so angry with myself. So angry that I have to start all over again! I have never cheated and had an unplanned break before. Do u think it will take another 3 days to get into ketosis?
Was always so sure before that I could do this but now I feel like such a failure.
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I am so angry and feel like I am getting no support. So of course it's all I can think about all night. I should have just thrown it out but I didn't and I ended up cheating and eating some and then made matters worse by thinking stuff it and having a done toast.
. Am so angry with myself. So angry that I have to start all over again! I have never cheated and had an unplanned break before. Do u think it will take another 3 days to get into ketosis?
Was always so sure before that I could do this but now I feel like such a failure.
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