Total Solution Rea's Radical New Routine

Not going to lie, yesterday was an exante fail. Not a crumb of exante passed my lips. However I've still lost half a pound, and I ate like a queen.

Unintentionally fasted for 20 hours - It just ended up that i had to go to about 3 shops to try and find what I wanted to make my tea. Almond flour is annoyingly hard to locate at a reasonable price, but i did eventually find it in home bargains. And so the journey began.

I made 4 ingredient keto chocolate mousse (well, i added a fifth ingredient but that turned out to be an unnecessary mistake) and keto shortbread. And i scoffed a pack of ham for some protein. It was all absolutely delicious, and here i am 12 hours later again, and before work this morning I also prepared a celeriac daupinoise to have this evening when i get in from work.

Going to give it to the end of the week and see how keto losses compare to exante losses, and maybe see if i can flog some of the 100 caramel latte frappes i bought and still have unopened, never mind all the other exante products i've accumulated. My enthusiasm for food has come back but without the hunger or the need to stuff my face, so I really think this WOE could be the future for me!
Pic attached!


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Wow what a post.
Well done u on everything that u have achieved I allow myself two cups of coffee a day with coffee mate in it. Things are going ok at the moment. Hopefully will lose some weight this week I have done so much walking and exercise. Fingers crossed for both of us x
Fingers crossed Les. It’s a weird old windy road, this trip to the new you, isn’t it?

The celeriac dauphinois was amazing. Had it with crispy bacon and have enough left over that I’ll be having it tomorrow too.

And even after eating it, I’m the same weight as I was this morning. Usually I weigh more than that of an evening. I’m worse than a daily weigher, you see - I’m a weigh every time I pass the scales type lass. And I happen to leave them near the doorway of my bedroom...

But yes. That makes me optimistic I might just lose 0.6lb overnight, and that’s the tipping point to exactly 100lb lost since the end of April last year.

Never thought I’d see that. Or be eating dauphinois and shortbread as it happened!! 🙈


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Today the remarkable happened - well the remarkable since discovering the scales weigh to two decimal places if you're not a lard arse, anyway.

I tipped the 100lb lost marker. 100.5lb, to be exact, now.

Actually can't believe it. I honestly never thought exante - never mind keto - would work, but here i am.

Just another 30-40lb to go now... So i raise my coffee (with cream, yum) to all you slimmers, however you do it. We can do this if we're strong!
Fingers crossed Les. It’s a weird old windy road, this trip to the new you, isn’t it?

The celeriac dauphinois was amazing. Had it with crispy bacon and have enough left over that I’ll be having it tomorrow too.

And even after eating it, I’m the same weight as I was this morning. Usually I weigh more than that of an evening. I’m worse than a daily weigher, you see - I’m a weigh every time I pass the scales type lass. And I happen to leave them near the doorway of my bedroom...

But yes. That makes me optimistic I might just lose 0.6lb overnight, and that’s the tipping point to exactly 100lb lost since the end of April last year.

Never thought I’d see that. Or be eating dauphinois and shortbread as it happened!! 🙈
That looks nice. I'm going to weigh on Saturday with fingers crossed. I hope with my exercise this week I will lose. X
I have my fingers crossed for you Les, you must report back and let us know what the scales say!

I literally couldn't be more excited for my dinner (single meal of the day) this evening. I've planned to have a keto waffle and crispy bacon with faux-maple syrup. I'm well aware i could be setting myself up for failure, but everything else i've made keto - even baking - has been absolutely amazing. I'm trying not to expect too much so i can be pleasantly surprised but it's not working. Beginning to get a hunger pang or two, which is usual around this time (considering I've not eaten since 6pm yesterday and I've only had coffee with cream and water I don't think that's unreasonable either) and then my last two keto shortbread afterwards. SO EXCITING. Will have a crack and report back with photos, anyway. Cross your fingers for me!
What u r doing sounds great. Where do u fi d your recipies? Do u use exante in between I'm weighing tomorrow so excited I've exercised so much although did have a little bleep yesterday but not worrying about it u have to have food at sometime. Have a great day and good luck xx
Today the remarkable happened - well the remarkable since discovering the scales weigh to two decimal places if you're not a lard arse, anyway.

I tipped the 100lb lost marker. 100.5lb, to be exact, now.

Actually can't believe it. I honestly never thought exante - never mind keto - would work, but here i am.

Just another 30-40lb to go now... So i raise my coffee (with cream, yum) to all you slimmers, however you do it. We can do this if we're strong!

100lb fabulous is that!! 😆

Really well done 😊

Your goal loss is the same as mine......I hope that I can do as well as you have ☺️
I have my fingers crossed for you Les, you must report back and let us know what the scales say!

I literally couldn't be more excited for my dinner (single meal of the day) this evening. I've planned to have a keto waffle and crispy bacon with faux-maple syrup. I'm well aware i could be setting myself up for failure, but everything else i've made keto - even baking - has been absolutely amazing. I'm trying not to expect too much so i can be pleasantly surprised but it's not working. Beginning to get a hunger pang or two, which is usual around this time (considering I've not eaten since 6pm yesterday and I've only had coffee with cream and water I don't think that's unreasonable either) and then my last two keto shortbread afterwards. SO EXCITING. Will have a crack and report back with photos, anyway. Cross your fingers for me!
I managed to lose 4lb. How have u got on?
Sorry guys - as always I forgot to keep this thing updated!!

Les I find most of my recipes online, though i'm thinking of investing in a few cookery books. Keto is great for food week too, as it's all really low carb so should fit in just nicely :) Might be worth a look googling a few favourite things and seeing if there's a way to 'keto-fy' them! :)

I'm proud of you on your loss - that's superb :) I've lost a stone overall since i started back this time, but i'm only half a stone past my lightest point (thanks to the big easter binge!) Still carrying on, and finding things that work for me, though i'm only dropping 0.1-0.3kg a day now (yes, i know about weighing and all that, but it really doesn't demotivate me when i gain - i more find the patterns curious! I'm doing it, and little anomalies on the scales aren't going to stop me!). Had some delicious meals over the weekend but forgot to post them, obviously.

Hiya Darcy - I'm sure that you'll do just as well! Exante is so easy to stick to once you're in the swing of things, and don't be afraid to adapt it to fit your own needs :) it worked just fine for me, doing it that way! How far into your journey are you so far? The best of luck to you!
Sorry guys - as always I forgot to keep this thing updated!!

Hiya Darcy - I'm sure that you'll do just as well! Exante is so easy to stick to once you're in the swing of things, and don't be afraid to adapt it to fit your own needs :) it worked just fine for me, doing it that way! How far into your journey are you so far? The best of luck to you!

I’ve lost 42 lbs since January 1st and have another 98 lbs to go 😌
Looks like u both are doing so well. Well done both. I am now 12lb down which I'm pleased with. Hope all is still going well for u both
Hey Rea Cat - you still around? I thought I'd not seen you for a while and I've just realised you've been missing for over a month! How's the keto going?
Firstly - sorry I keep forgetting to update this damn thing.

Secondly, one year on, here we go, approaching the anniversary of the 'Great Easter Egg Incident of 2018' which sparked my going Keto when I bulged backup to 106kg.

Update is, I'm still keto.

I'm now 73kg, a size 12 (bottom AND top, which i never imagined possible, though 'the gals' are still a g cup, they've gone from a robustly plump 38G to sad spaniels ears 32G), and this seems to be my 'happy weight' for my body. I've been lower - I reached 70kg before Christmas (slight blimp for the month of december that we'll gloss over...), but after losing the Christmas weight and re-joining a (better) gym (which I ADORE! Who knew?) this seems to be where I'm at. I'm still physically shrinking - my size 12 jeans are too big (yay for belts) but my thighs are still too thick for size 10s. I've run 5km none stop. I crosstrain for about an hour, at high intensity, with varied resistance, most days.

Incidentally, I also changed my job (better paid, same job, in another town), I met the man I will marry (when he gets his arse in gear and actually proposes. he does plan to, but i've had the rough guide of 'it won't be on your birthday, but it will be this year.' so that's anytime between now and new year's then), and i sort of live with him and his mam now. I have a second job working in a pub, and i have a whole new circle of friends.

I love keto. I love that you can make it as simple or as complex as you like. I love cheese, and cream. I love not being hungry. I don't really crave food. I can have mcdonalds whenever I want - albeit bunless. but that's JUST FINE. I make keto pizza, keto waffles, pancakes, and my lazy favourite is just halloumi fries deep fried in LARD. Glorious, glorious LARD. I can't explain how liberating it is.

But yes, here's me - Fat Rea and New Rea. I'm still me, but with a firmware update. I run on fat, now. Fat is fuel, fat is life. And I love my life.


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