Recipes Blunders

Hello Just thought this might be a bit of fun!

As I managed to make lasagna the other day and completely missed out the tinned tomatoes, I wondered if any one else had done some silly things like this and the out comes!

To be fair the lasagna didn't taste that bad, it took me about 2 days to figure out what was missing! - If you had not guessed it yet i am a bottle blonde! haha

Every one welcome to share, it might keep us entertained on the horrid night!
Great Idea!
I made the scan bran carrot cake and it came out perfectly, tasted great & I was really chuffed, I wrapped it in foil and placed it in the pantry for 2 days, I then had another piece as did my wife, we were then violently sick for the next 12 hrs! it had fermented in the foil because it couldn't have been cold enough before wrapping...........Beware.