Reviews please :)


New Member
Hey everyone,

Im going to be starting the Rosemary Conley Solo Slim diet next week. I was wondering if anyone has done this and what they thought of it?

I was also hoping for some reviews of the Cambridge diet. Sorry to bombard you but i have alot of weight to loose and want to get stuck in whilst making sure i make the right choice

Thanks for your help

Joanna xx
hey ive never done the first diet that you mentioned but i have done the cambridge diet and it is fantastic you do lose alot of weight on it, i only done it for 2weeks because of money issues but i did lose 2stone in tht time, my mum and step dad went on it for about 3months and they bout lost just short of 4stone i believe, and they have kept it off, it is really good, i am now on the exante diet which is really good it is exactly like the cambridge diet, but if you buy a month worth at once it is half price, i have lost over a stone n a half in 5days O.O i cant believe it, im well on my way to losing the 10 stone i need to, good luck with your dieting journey