This is my recipe for rice pudding and we love it.:gimi:
Rice Pudding Serves 4Green and Extra EasyServe with fresh fruit or a spoonful of reduced sugar jam (2 syns).
140gpudding rice
600ml milk skimmed 2 oranges,zested and juiced
200ml water
5 tbl sweetener 4 tbl crème fraiche or fromage frais
Vanilla essence
1.Boil the rice in a pan with the milk, orange zest, juice, and water and thenadd the sweetner, and vanilla essence, grate over the nutmeg.
2.Cover, and cook on the hob at a very low heat for 15 - 20 minutes. Stirringevery now and then, I use a non-stick pan.
3.Remove from the heat, stir in the fromage frais or crème fraiche
4. Serve with your own favouriteaccompaniment. We love it with rhubarb stewed, or driedapricots, a little honey or a spoonful of fruit compote! But add the syns forany extras.