S&S customer service

have so say i couldnt agree more!! i got my order through last week and id asked on it that i have 7 porridges one for each day and a mix of the other things, it came through and i only had 4 *sob* so i was messaging one of the ladys on the instant messanger about soya milk actually and just happened to mention my porridge mix up and she sent me 3 more porridges there and then and i recieved them the next morning! and they always say good luck :)
good service makes all the diffence. stops you thinking it just a load of skinny people laughing as they rake in the money from the fattys! they actually care that the products are working etc!
It does doesn't it... I get the impression they really want you to get the best out of the diet too :) my card didn't go through for some reason and I got a call - I did the order over the phone and we worked out a different way to order and it saved me a tenner :) lovely lovely :)