Attack Savoury oatbran muffin recipe

Yes, recipe section, p1 is my savoury muffins.

For attack, per day

1.5tblspoons oatbran
1 egg separated (don't use yolk if worried about cholesterol, you'll not notice)
1 tablespoon fat free fromage frais/quark (perhaps a little more if no yolk)
slice smoked salmon (chopped)/whatever you're using (you need something strong tasting, I find, and chicken/ham just don't do it. Smoked fish of some sort is good).

Mix egg yolk, oatbran and ff fromage frais together. Half fill two or three silicon muffin moulds (paper cases stick), pop in couple of pieces smoked salmon. Cover with remaining mixture. I often cut a crabstick into three pieces for the top of my three.

Gas mark 6, 200°C oven preheated, 20 (fan) 35 mins (not fan, turn midway if like my oven!)
I make two (or four even) days at a time. They freeze well!
Muffins etc do tend to stick I'm afraid. Silicon is a great investment!
Once in cruise, move to 2 tablespoons of oatbran and, if your intestines need some extra fibre, 1 tablespoon wheatbran. Better still! :D
Thanks again just had a muffin for breakfast I could seriously get addicted to them!

Day 2 and another 2 lbs off, 4.2 lbs in two days - gotta live Dukan!