Scales say no weight loss?

Hi I have uploaded some pics of myself, the one in the green was when I lost 1 stone naturally and the waistcoat is me now 7lbs heavier. Anyway my main concern is after 3 days I've had no weight loss but look slimmer? I'm sticking to it religiously :/ but enjoying my time on lipotrim :D


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Ahhh you look lovely to me but its how you feel inside! You just really need to stick to the pharmacists scales if thats where you first got weighed? Jumping around on different scales give massively different readings. Ive got two sets of scales at home and am 4 lbs lighter on one than the other and both are different to the pharmacists! There ones come in between. So if i was you i would keep at it and dobt Weigh yourself! Let them do it and you will be pleasantly surprised x
hi again Mike.... photos are great... looks like it wont be long before you see big results! Stick with it... i lost 15 pounds the first week and only 2 pounds the second week... this week the scales dont seem to be movin much either, but like you im seeing big results in my clothes.... so try and stop weighin yourself, you will see a weightloss and look at it this way if you wern't on this, you would be gettin heavier and heavier and that's NOT goin to happen on Lipotrim... im on my third week and i promise you, there is such a high! you are full of energy, never look at food and really dont care what people are eating around you.... so stick at it and you will soon be wrappin that waistcoat around you twice!
Some weeks I didn't lose much on the scales but I'd know I was getting slimmer because I'd be having to move my belt onto the next hole. Try not to get too hung up on weekly losses. This month I've lost 3, 5, 2 and then 3. Apart from the 5, the rest have been just OK but at the end of four weeks, at the risk of stating the blindingly obvious, that's added up to a 13lb loss. I guess what I'm trying to say is that even small losses add up to significant losses over time.
Hiya Mike and welcome :)

Sorry I am late to your posts but I have been reading the last few days - first of all a big congratulations to taking a HUGE step and taking control of your weight! Good on you, for a young guy I reckon thats the bravest thing you will ever do. Hat off to you - heres to a very new you just round the corner :)

Your photos look great and you look much older than just 16 - ladies will be swooning soon, you mark my words ;)

As for the weightloss, the above is correct.. TRY not to weigh yourself...! As hard as it is, if it will stress you out then avoid it, esp if they are measuring different to the scales at your official weigh-in... and its not all about the lb-age either... some on here have lost a small bit of weight one week and lost a big number in inches - it all evens itself out... you are only a few days in so give it time and you should have a nice shock when you have your first WI... (and dont panic on the wotsits, a whole packet shouldnt bring you out of ketosis ;) LOL).... I too found it hard to stop licking my fingers when cooking and was on auto pilot for a few days when it came to snacking...!! broken the habit now, give yourself time to adjust!

Good luck on your journey and I wish you all the best :)