Seans diary


Start weight 19st exactly :( said 18st13lb then jumped up a pound I reckon dodgy scales im sure I am only 15st !!

Seriously day one gone ok, cant do much exercise at the mo as I have pulled my groin but hopefully this will be ok tomorrow and I can get out and do something......I have set my goal weight at 14st not sure how long it will take to get there but aim to do it as soon as possible, the toughest part will be watching everyone eat curry this evening my favourite meal lol.

My BMI is 36 apparently dont really know what that means but i'm sure its not good has to be within 18 - 24 so I will aim for somewhere inbetween there Just checked though and it says to have a healthy BMI I should be 13st for my height is that a good indicator ? think I will get to 14 then reassess.

I will post week 1 weight loss ( hopefully it will be a loss ) in a week but will keep looking on here if i start to lose faith........
Aim for stopping when you feel good. If you go by figures and statistics you can end up getting fixated on getting to what they say is a healthy weight, when in fact it could make you ill. Good luck :)
Day one done, easier than i thought to be honest but I'm sure it will get tougher, I slept really well despite my stomach talking to its self all night and my mental Mrs waking me up to tell me there were foxes out the front :confused:

Im feeling ok this morning not thinking about eating I'm gonna have a cup of tea, make my shake and put it in the fridge then I am going to go for a walk up the sea wall. then will have my brekkie ( shake ) and do some painting I reckon to keep myself busy may even get some extra brownie points lol
Glad to hear day one went o.k, get the first week over and it will get easier, just remember to drink the water!

Day 3 under way, still feeling good I think I am noticing some body changes but is probably in my head Its urging me to get on the scales but I am resisiting so far want ot save it till the end of my first week, I have noticed that my mouth seems to be dry all the time even though I am drinling around 4 litres of water a day with the odd mug of black tea/coffee on top, had the chocolate shake this morning it was ok but not as good as the others it didn't want to mix up as well as the others I have tried, I slept superbly last night went right through till 6.15, then slept on till just after 8 which is unheard of it has helped aswell as I was feeling pretty jaded but I feel quite active this morning.

What are the tell tale signs of being in Ketosis ? and where can i get the ketosis sticks from ?

I have my daughters 18th birthday party tomorrow night and I'm worried I am going to succumb to a pint of lager although I am going to try my hardest not to I am not to bothered about the food that will be there but the lager has always been a vice I have not had any for a week now and am determined not to drink tomorrow so fingers crossed Or may just wear a blindfold and zip up my mouth......

Oh well on to do my daily duties........
Good afternoon and welcome Sean. Good luck with the party tomorrow! :hug99: xx

Ketosis signs are I believe...rank breath, a metallic taste, loss of appetite, burst of energy and feeling cold.

But not everyone experiences all, or any of the above! :confused::D
Good afternoon and welcome :D Hope you're having a fab day 3 xx