hi all, first off a bit about me. I'm michelle and I an living in orkney but I'm really a cornish lass that left my family back in cornwall nearly 11 years ago. I have seen friends and family loose weight on lipotrim in the last 2 or 3 years and thought about giving it a try....yurns out that there is only one pharmasist in orkney registered to prescribe lipotrim up here and I know her (none of the doctors are), Great I thought..this means I will get the support I need from someone I already know
But no, it turns out she doesnt agree with it and wont prescribe it:sigh: so I tred dieting other ways...lots of other ways..I would loose nearly 1 stone then weight loss would slow and I'd give up. So after talking to a cousin who has been on it for (at the time 4 weeks) and done brill, shes loving it, I started looking on ebay....so here is the honest part I an being very naughty and doing this on my own
appart from the support I am getting from my cousin that is on it and another cousin that happened to restart the day after me(she did really well the first time but a few family crississes got in the way) I was told to look on this website and it really helped but it took me 2 weeks to join you all.
My journey hasn't been very far yet but I have set myself a goal of 2 stone as I dont want to give myself a chance to quit I thought i'd start off small. I started lipotrim 8/6/10 at 13st and haven't been below 12.4 scince I had my first of 3 children 9.5yrs ago.
for the first week I found some books I wanted to read, did minimum housework and left the rest to wait till I was feeling great...which I was told would happen!!!
week one done 6lb gone i was a little dissapointed. never mind week 2 will be better.
I got a bit more energy in week 2, got my cross trainer set up and set into the housework i'd neglected in week 1.....well I ve got three kids who like to make a mess...oh dear:sigh: end of week 2 house still not straight and 5lb lost (crosstrainer only used twice).
start of week 3 and I started with a bad tum, pmt and what I like to call moon maddness ( am a cow a couple of days before full moon) I always used to eat my way through the last 2. so by thurs was feeling bad, mad and cos of my bad tum sick to boot....had a big blip thurs eve but stopped feeling sick after so that was good, I think..
I was straight back on track on fri, bad tum still there but not feeling sick so back to lipotrim full throttle, as of fri have been back to 100% my kids went on hol with there granny for a week, they left yesterday so i have a house to sort out and we have sheep to shear before I pick the kids up on fri and make the long drive to cornwall to visit family for a few weeks.
sorry if this is all too much and I have bored you, thankyou for taking the time to read it. And good luck to anyone on this it can be hard going at times but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.

My journey hasn't been very far yet but I have set myself a goal of 2 stone as I dont want to give myself a chance to quit I thought i'd start off small. I started lipotrim 8/6/10 at 13st and haven't been below 12.4 scince I had my first of 3 children 9.5yrs ago.
for the first week I found some books I wanted to read, did minimum housework and left the rest to wait till I was feeling great...which I was told would happen!!!
week one done 6lb gone i was a little dissapointed. never mind week 2 will be better.
I got a bit more energy in week 2, got my cross trainer set up and set into the housework i'd neglected in week 1.....well I ve got three kids who like to make a mess...oh dear:sigh: end of week 2 house still not straight and 5lb lost (crosstrainer only used twice).
start of week 3 and I started with a bad tum, pmt and what I like to call moon maddness ( am a cow a couple of days before full moon) I always used to eat my way through the last 2. so by thurs was feeling bad, mad and cos of my bad tum sick to boot....had a big blip thurs eve but stopped feeling sick after so that was good, I think..
I was straight back on track on fri, bad tum still there but not feeling sick so back to lipotrim full throttle, as of fri have been back to 100% my kids went on hol with there granny for a week, they left yesterday so i have a house to sort out and we have sheep to shear before I pick the kids up on fri and make the long drive to cornwall to visit family for a few weeks.
sorry if this is all too much and I have bored you, thankyou for taking the time to read it. And good luck to anyone on this it can be hard going at times but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.