Seriously dizzy


Gold Member
This morning and a couple of days ago I have gotten really dizzy, my head is spinning and I'm struggling to walk straight. I've just had my shake and I'm say down but I feel awful, like my heads full of cotton wool. It can't be sns can it? I've been eating protein as usual but I feel lousy/weird. Has anybody any experience of this?
Unfortunately yes. When I did cd I reached a point about 6 stone down where I was getting dizzy then I collapsed at work. I had crazy low blood sugar and was lectured by my doctor about vlcds to do with salts and electrolytes. Ended up moving to low carb using products but more protein, cheese, nuts etc. So might be an idea to check your blood pressure. Hope you're feeling better soon x
Not the diet hun, I had the same it was labarintitus. Been fine since it cleared :)

Get it checked out hun, you shouldn't be dizzy on plan

This last 3 weeks I have been experiencing something similar, head rushes and dizziness whenever I change posture or if I stand for too long, to the point where if im peeling vegetables for my meal I have to do it sitting down now lol. Feel like an old person with the amount of fatigue I have..also since last week I have started to experience hair loss.

I am on my 5th month now and didn't take a weeks break. I am putting the symptoms down to the diet tbh. I have been 100% all the way so its not down to me not taking vits on a protein day or skipping packs. I can tell that if I resumed eating normal food or had a nice sugary tea I would feel a lot better but that's not going to happen :p

If this worsens I reckon you should visit the docs as it could be that in your case it isn't the diet after all and could be something like what rebekah said :)
Thanks I will monitor it. My usual gp is on holiday until next week. My husband went seeing the locum about his heart (serious stuff) and he was apalling. He started by telling him he only had 10 minutes! WTF? This wasn't his finger or a check up! So, the point is, I'll wait until she's back as I know she's a nuisance but will give me the time of day.
Thank you for the advice x
Deezer said:
I've been a bit like that.... think its been my TOTM causing it though!!! :/

Hmmm, horrible isn't it? I'm not due but I have messed up my pills (forgot them on holiday) and what not so I'll wait and see. Luckily I was fine this morning, took the dog for a good walk. Ive also found that if i have A bit of salt on my protein it makes all the difference to my balance (it gets better with salt!)
It sounds like low blood pressure. Clench your thigh muscles 4 or 5 times and it will help to pump more blood to you head. Consider having a little bit more salt too.
weasey said:
It sounds like low blood pressure. Clench your thigh muscles 4 or 5 times and it will help to pump more blood to you head. Consider having a little bit more salt too.

Thanks Weasey x will do x
SerenityValley said:
Potassium too. That and sodium tend to be leached from us during a vlcd or lw carb diet.

I'm adding salt to my daily protein, when I was pregnant with my 2nd baby I craved salt and realised it stopped me feeling so sick and dizzy.
How can I get potassium in?? (realises she can google foods high in potassium and do the rest herself)... Just been catching up on your refers Weasey and it sounds good. I like the sound of Dukan and my refeed will be similar to yours, with consolidation for almost 1 year... Eeekk
Spinach is actually quite high in potassium, as is iceberg lettuce!! Spinach as more potassium than a banana surprisingly(and its allowed on s&s)

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Thanks ladies, I had a spinach omelette yesterday atch so that will have helped. Salmon, chicken, chilli and dried herbs are also sources of it so I'm all set!

Thank you everyone x
Ooooo - I love spinach! I like it in many different ways but if you're not keen then it's probably the cooked form you're not keen on. Why not just have it as the leaf in your salads?

Kellmo - Dukan is the only thing I've found which devotes just as much space and thought to what to do after losing the weight than what to do to lose the weight. I know the amount of time sounds daunting for the transition phase (almost 2 years for me!) but I think it's the time which I'll need...
weasey said:
Ooooo - I love spinach! I like it in many different ways but if you're not keen then it's probably the cooked form you're not keen on. Why not just have it as the leaf in your salads?

Kellmo - Dukan is the only thing I've found which devotes just as much space and thought to what to do after losing the weight than what to do to lose the weight. I know the amount of time sounds daunting for the transition phase (almost 2 years for me!) but I think it's the time which I'll need...

No I do really like spinach, I eat it almost every day! I stick it in curries, spag Bol, salads, stiffed inside chicken breasts for my family (I have 2 daughters that believe it's called fairy leaves!)

I'm 11 stone today and want to get to 9stone 7 (with my weight being between that and 9stone 10) so I'm going to do a longer refeed on sns(maybe 4 weeks) then take it from there and try some Dukan consolidation, phasing it in slowly, I like you will need the structured it gives me with the opportunity to eat purely protein to pull back a crazy day!

(2 stone 6lb lighter in 9 weeks)