Shocked - Local sandwich shop


Gold Member
I have just been to the local sandwich shop for my lunch, and I couldn't make my mind up between a jacket potato with beans, or a salad box. I decided to go with a pasta salad box. Whilst I was waiting for this to be done, the lady behind the counter put a massive chunk of butter into the beans and stirred them up. I was mortified!! Just thought I should let other people know to be weary!
Great, the healthy into the deceptively hidden unhealthy in one swoop! Bet you're glad you spotted it though as imagine how many times you could have chosen it thinking you were doing so well! Hopefully they can prepare yours fresh minus the butter if you ask for next time?
Why on earth would they do that????

Very interesting though, and good that you spotted it. I'd be inclined to ask for a jacket potato and non-buttered beans next time, see what they say!
Sweet jesus!

Why would they even do that?

That's so weird!! At least you spotted it...
if you have access to a microwave..why not bake a potatoe the night before...then heat it up the next day with a tin of beans. :)
Perhaps its a way to make them 'go further' ??? or make them taste moreish!??!

Who knows - seems bonkers to me!! xxx
It is a pain, never quite knowing even though you're doing your best to stick to the plan. My Dad puts butter in his beans though, apparently they taste creamier. Let's face it, not many things suffer from the addition of a nice big piece of butter lol.
I always say no butter as you can normally see the fat when it melts on top of the beans and you can never tell how much they're actually putting on so no way of synning it. my local place near work put butter on once when I asked them not to and had to take it back as it was swimming in it! They happily changed it for me, but it is always worth making it clear you dont want the butter and if they add it take it back :)
I have just been to the local sandwich shop for my lunch, and I couldn't make my mind up between a jacket potato with beans, or a salad box. I decided to go with a pasta salad box. Whilst I was waiting for this to be done, the lady behind the counter put a massive chunk of butter into the beans and stirred them up. I was mortified!! Just thought I should let other people know to be weary!

*raises hand* honestly I used to do my beans like this. One tin, dollop of butter and an extra squirt of tomato ketchup. Sounds gross but honestly it is moreish. DON'T try it lol.
I'm still weaning myself off bad habits like this :S
On the subject of baked potato and beans - i got this and a cup of tea in bhs today and it cost me 20p shy of £6.00 robbing bleeders! Kept my beedy little eyes on the lady serving while she was trying to tempt me with coleslaw lol x
Tinnedtomato said:
I have just been to the local sandwich shop for my lunch, and I couldn't make my mind up between a jacket potato with beans, or a salad box. I decided to go with a pasta salad box. Whilst I was waiting for this to be done, the lady behind the counter put a massive chunk of butter into the beans and stirred them up. I was mortified!! Just thought I should let other people know to be weary!

I can't believe it.this is my option when I'm out and about to stay on plan. Just when u think it's safe to go out! Lol it's hard enough when ur trying to break old food ways and passing up those slices of cakes that used to go so well with a pot of tea to find out that u healthy choice isn't what u thought. Well spotted x x
On the subject of baked potato and beans - i got this and a cup of tea in bhs today and it cost me 20p shy of £6.00 robbing bleeders! Kept my beedy little eyes on the lady serving while she was trying to tempt me with coleslaw lol x

I had one in the BHS coffee shop this week - you got a baked potato with any filling for £1.95 when you bought a hot drink :)
when we were in the queue at toby carvery a few weeks ago one of the chefs came out and put half a pack of butter on each of the bowls of veg!! that was a shock for me as we go there because i do slimming world and i think im doing so well not having a yorkshire and a tiny drop of gravy!! its very disheartening:cry:

cathie xx:cry:xx
i noticed once i got a jacket potatoe and beans take away and was like yeah its free im doing good, but then i noticed butter in the beans i was quite annoyed with it actually. thats always my meal out choice and now its like is anything actually what is says. i hope other places dont put butter in beans, i always get it from weatherspoons im hoping their too cheap to add it to theirs hehe