Should I start exante?


Silver Member
Hi everyone,

I'm feeling a little lost at the minute. Been following slimming world for 9 months and only lost just less than 2 stone. I am feeling really disheartened! I lose one week then gain the next. I struggle keeping motivated with it. I started running on 1st Feb, and since then I am 4lbs heavier! And measurements don't go down enough to make me accept that as muscle gain!

So I was thinking of trying exante, but I don't know if it is for me as I don't know enough about it! I have read a bit about the different plans and read testimonials but I am still uncertain.

For a start, I exercise quite a bit. I run 3 times a week and use the exercise bike another 3 days. As I plan to run for the rest of my life I don't want to stop it. But I fear I will be knackered on exante as I won't have the same levels of fuel from what I am eating? I am also scared of hunger pangs lol. I never do well with them and can really overeat :sigh:

I have also heard of people ballooning weight back on when they switch back to normal food. I really want the weight to come off as I feel like I am losing control of losing weight and don't see slimming world keeping me on track. Should I just give it a go for a month and see?
I think the balloning has more to do with people just going back to old habbits rather than the diet.

As you can see from my graph in my sig I keep putting weight back on... But I've NEVER gone back to where I started.

Also - it feels great to lose weight fast - even if it's only a stone or two.

I tried WW for a few months and got almost nowhere - 5lbs in 3 months I think. And it went back on as soon as I stopped.
Depends on your frame of mind. The first few days are the most difficult on a vlcd. After that the hunger tends to subside but there will sometimes still be the odd day where you feel like eating, even when you are not really hungry so you do need to be strong at these times. In regards to energy levels, you may find doing the working solution more suitable where you can add a low calorie meal to the diet but avoiding carbs. Probably worth trying the diet to see if its suitable for you. The weight loss is very quick
& you will get lots of support on this forum.
Anyone following any diet will pile the weight back on if they go back to eating how they were before doing the diet. It's not just after VLCD's that people gain weight back, happens on every diet going.
As long as you refeed properly and eat sensibly after a vlcd there is no reason why the weight wont stay off.

If you're worried that because you do a lot of exercise that you'll be hungry you can always do the working solutions plan which is 3 packs and a 400 cal protein and veg meal.
Some people have found though that too much exercise actually makes their weight loss stall but you just have to try it and see if it affects you or not.

If you're not sure if exante is for you maybe get a weeks worth and see how you go.
Once you're in ketosis (usually by day 4/5) you wont feel hungry and the amazing results on the scales will make you want to continue.