Size 10 frikkin jeans!!


Full Member
:D Just need to shout it from the rooftops, all the hard work is totally worth it! I bought some size 10 Next jeans from eBay thinking my size 12 and 14 bottoms were starting to feel a little bit loose, not thinking I would fit them straight away but I thought I'd try them when they arrived this morning to motivate me to lose a few more pounds. Wow! They fit! And they are super, super skinny ones as well hahaaaaaa!! Whoop!!
you go girl !!!

its like they say....'nothing tastes as good as being slim feels'

well done xxx
Thanks ladies, I am floating! Size 8 here I come! I would love to be in smaller tops as well, most of the flab is on my top half, size 12 minimum still, plus the boobs means some 14s as well. Let me be a comfortable 10 top!
Wow, fantastic:D

Did you lose it all by calorie counting?
I have done the rounds of diets, ww, sw, gl etc but calorie counting is working best. Those other diets are fine when you start off with a fair bit to lose, any attempt would start it shifting but when you get within a healthy range and would like to lose a bit more it gets harder and calorie counting is the only thing that's worked to get it moving again. Even vigerous workout schedule didn't work!