Size 14 :-)


Gold Member
Last night I tried 4 pairs of size 14 trousers for work and they ALL fit - so not just a fluke pair! Having been a size 24 just a 20 weeks ago it is something of a revelation to go into a "normal" shop and be able to pick something off the rack and it fits and I can choose which I like the look of rather than the one that I can manage to get into :D. I need to keep this in mind tonight on my works Christmas meal, am going to leave the carbs strictly alone and do it Atkins style for the night.
And definitely no alcohol - thank goodness it is dangerous to drink while in ketosis as it puts me off completely so will not risk it at all.
Way to go Quak - what a fab weight loss marker - all the better for knowing it's all the size 14's not just one pair - timely too as it will really motivate you to keep on the straight and narrow tonight - have a fab evening.


That's incredible. Size 14 woo hooo :D

In 20 weeks ...... you are amazing and must feel such a sense of achievement.

Keep up the good work

Julie x

Cheers guys - sorry not been on this weekend but been out Fri, Sat and Sun nights - soda water all the way!!!!!!!!!!! Had my works meal out on Friday and kept well away from the carbs so pleased to report am still in ketosis as not feeling hungry or getting any cravings for anything and found it totally a breeze to get straight back onto TS on Saturday. Been out dancing all three nights so hope to have burnt off all calories concerned!

The compliments I got on Saturday night were fantastic and a huge boost to stay on it - will post some photos hopefully tomorrow when I get a bit of time on here as my internet time has been severely restricted due to excess partying lol
Hope you have all had a good weekend
B xx
Whoop whoop

Well done

Hey guys - hope someone can help answer my question. I am on day 6 on Exante and have lost 9 pounds already. Really pleased about this and feel very motivated, but I have a couple of Christmas meals coming up. What can I eat and what should I not? If I go into Ketosis in the next day or so (if I'm not already) will I come out of Ketosis if I eat a normal meal? Will I have to go through a week on Exante to go back into Ketosis? Sorry if I'm being really dim!!

If you eat carbs you will come out of ketosis unfortunately, on my works meal last friday I stayed away from carbs, had pate and salad leaves for starter, turkey and veg for main and cheese with celery and grapes for dessert and stayed in ketosis fine. Good luck and well done on the loss so far.
B xx
You can't be far off as you are only 8 lbs behind me - what height are you as I am only 4' 10" which makes a big difference on the charts!
B xx