Skipping Periods - please help!?


Lardy Lady

So, a bit of background - I've never been diagnosed with PCOS and so I don't know if I have it or not, but I haven't had a proper period for 3 months now, and for the last week or so I have had browny-red discharge/spotting. I am ashamed to go to the GP in case they find a whole host of problems wrong with me (i.e. high blood pressure, thyroid problems, hormone issues) etc etc due to my weight. I also loathe the idea of a physical scan for the same reason. So I want to know - are the missed periods likely to be do with my weight? (I am 14st and my BMI is 34). And if I lose weight are they likely to resume? Could it be anything serious? I am twenty years old and have never been on the Pill.

I just need some advice :(.
Hi Hun, I would go to the docs just to be safe. They have seen bigger people than you (ie me!) the doc won't look at you in that way, they will just try to figure out what the problem is. X
You really do need to see a doctor. Know you find it uncomfortable but try to think of all the ways it could be made easier.......ask for a female doctor. take a good friend or close family member. also not everyone knows this but your local gum department will also look after you. they have nurses who are highly sensitive and trained specifically within this field. also beckyblue is right they have seen all shapes sizes and working in health care myself i promise we never judge or make comments about anybody. xx
Gritting your teeth and going to the doctor is the only way to go, sadly!
When my periods first stopped, the doctor thought it was stress (turns out periods are temperamental things!). Later it turned out to be PCOS, but it was only through the test that I knew that.

This is a very late response but - in the end, I didn't go to the doctor, and thankfully I had a normal period in December and January, and they're back *touch wood* to every 28 days. Panic over!