Sleep and the Dukan diet


Full Member
Has anyone else noticed their sleeping habits have changed since starting Dukan? Before last week, I was a 6 hour a night lass often waking once or twice (thanks kids). This week though, I have been in bed at 10pm and sleeping through to sometime between 6 and 7 (thanks kids)!
is this just my body working hard at processing the food I've eaten in the day or just getting used to the weight loss?
I've now lost 6lbs in the past 9 days so I'm guessing it is adjusting to that as well.
Since I went low carb a year ago, long before starting dukan, I found that I sleep slightly less but it is better quality sleep. Someone did give me a complex and long winded explanation of the reduced sugar levels being the reason. One more reason why I will be very low carb for life!!!
my sleeping pattern changed totally when i first started the diet and i had much better quality of sleep... hubby also said i stopped snoring lol
The only thing Ihave noticed with my sleep is that I wake far more often than I ever did.............for a WEE!!!!! twice sometimes 3 times a night, which is exhausting. A friend once told me a fact of sleep is that we have to sleep for more than 5 hours to actually recharge our batteries, 5 hours is when the recharge starts. All to do with REM and nonREM timings.

I'm not getting straight 5 hours now, I get maybe two lots of 3 hours.
You know, as my first week has gone on, I've found it easier to wake up and get up. Which for me and my partner has been a great kick up the bum! I've always had issues with having to get up in the night to wee, and I'd just settled into a routine of remembering to stop drinking a few hours before bed and was getting full nights of sleep. Now however, thats all out the window and I'm up at least twice to wee also :rolleyes: It's a glamours life!
The first few night on the plan I was up a few times in the night, but now that I'm into the diet I generally only get up once (back to normal for me) but I feel tired earlier in the evening and seem to get a better quality of sleep. This is really amazing, as for years I have been suffering with a rare sleeping disorder (doesn't have a name) where I spend about 10 hours "asleep" but only get 4-5 hours of propper restful sleep. (Most people can sleep for 8 hours and get 6-7 hours of propper sleep). So for me to get enough sleep I used to have to be "asleep" for something like 18 hours which is not practical and so spent most of my time being severely sleep deprived.

It's great now with this diet I seem to be getting much better sleep and seem to be catching up a bit. Mmmmmm sleep. x