Gosh, I had the opposite effect on TFR. I slept so much better without the stodge in my belly.
Maybe you were just over warm or have you anything on your mind at the moment?
Hope you sleep better tonight.
OOH I agree!! For the first week I was zonked out but once ketosis was well and truly underway I found I needed less sleep! I used to doze off on the sofa at 9 and be hard to rouse in the morning.. now i can be up really late! I find that I wake up naturally now anytime from 4am onwards as if I am full of beans and ready to get up - I cant cause I would wake the kids so I read this forum on my phone, go on fb or play jewel on my phone!! LOL!!! xx
Oh god im bad for sleep, ive been going to bed between 10 and midnight, getting up at 7 but also having a nap with my lil one about 2-4pm im shattered!!!
It is awful honey,and as I am trying to get back to SS for my hols, I know I have got this to come and I dread it. Usually kicks in about day 3 and lasts for 3 or 4 nights sometimes, but it does eventually pass though x
cant sleep either. i used to just beable to fall asleep in the day as well, but i cant now. and even though im knackered at night, im tossing and turning. ah well. its all worth it i guess.