Slimming World Diary


Well this is it........after years of hating myself because of my weight I am finally going to do something about it. I tried SW about 2 years ago and lost just under 2 stone but I have put all of that, and more, back on!

I have some health problems namely arthritis which affects my vision and my joints but have been told that I need to loose weight by my consultants. I need to do this now I am desperate so I thought that I would start a diary and stick to it and hope that I get some support from you guys along the way!!

I have subscribed to SW on line as I cannot get to classes as I work full time quite a way from home so by the time I get back I am too late. I also have a four year old little boy who is my world so I am busy a lot of the time!!

I know the key to all of this is being organised so I have planned all of my meals and snacks for the next week. I will come back to this thread tomorrow to update it.

Wish me luck!!!
Good luck to you too lottiebird! I will try and keep up posting here although I am well known for not sticking to anything. I am going to try really hard!
I'm starting SW from home tomorrow as well tried CC but was too hungry and got a bit obsessed about it ! Have done SW before so know it works and fits in with family life my lot love lots of SW recipes which is a bonus . Good luck to all of us re starters x

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So day 1 and it went well the office I work in is doing NO.....vember which means no cakes or chocolate which is great and will really help me. My husband though has come back today with chocolate and sweets which really does not help!!!!

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