Slimming world


One slimming world 4 and half years ago and lost 4 stone. Have since put 2 and half back on .wondering weather it's best to go back to class or try it at home on my own. Any advice or tips ?
If you enjoyed class last time then give it a go again. That way you'll have access to the new literature and plans too. :) good luck!!!
I've just joined, and was talking to my sister in law who hasn't been since the extra easy started, and she didn't have a clue what I was talking about... Also, I enjoyed the meeting, and used to enjoy the weight watchers ones when I did that too. Good luck =] xxx
I joined Slimming World about 5 weeks ago, I was a bit sceptical at first, the thought of paying someone to weigh me.. etc.
But I have to say now that focusing on that class every Monday really helps and gives me something to aim for each week.
Hi all thanks for all u comments. I didn't really enjoy class last time around and found I was only weighting and going. So am thinking of maybe joining slimming world on line instead :)
Yeah if you don't feel you're going to get anything out of the class then maybe doing it online is the way forward.
A lot of people I guess like the support and image therapy in group but obviously everybodys different, hope whatever you do works out for you
I love class and have met great people. I always stay and still intend to now that I'm at target. I have met loads of people who say they used to do SW, got to target and then put it back on. For me the maintaining part is just as important as the losing. It was going to group that helped keep me focused, motivated and honest, so that's what I'll keep doing. My advice is to shop around and find a consultant and group that you like. Good luck with whichever you choose. If you need me you know where I am!
Hi Sally thanks for that. Think maybe I should look around for another group didnt like the last leader and maybe that's what's putting me off again.
Just thought I'd mention, my sis in law also said that she didn't like the meetings as it was exactly the same every week = just the woman going round and saying well done to everyone who'd lost and ignoring those who hadn't... Surely that can't be right? It was my first week on Monday and as it was bank holiday there was only about 10 of us so we just had a bit of a general chit chat...
Yeah the Class I go to isn't like that, our Consultant will go around the entire class and firstly she says what the person has lost entirely and then wether they have lost, maintained or gained this week. If you've lost she'll ask what you did, how you're feeling etc so the group can take note of any ideas you've had and whatnot. Then she will ask everyone their mini target for next week and if anything might get in the way of it etc.
If you've maintained or gained, she will ask if you're feeling ok, why you think you might have gained, I.E going off plan etc. If you haven't gone off plan she has these S.A.S forms (Syns Against Sabbotage) to encourage you to make sure you're definately counting all your syns, weighing and not estimating and so on.
Mine is same as Jodie's. We also have:

:silly:"Team Tech Challenge" too where the group is split in two and we compete for bonus points by sharing recipes and ideas.
:clap:a weekly raffle with the prize of a veg box.
:giggle:very active group on Facebook too.

Shop around and find a good consultant and group . . .
Oh, yeah we have a raffle too, forgot that bit, its always something different each week, like this past Monday the prizes was either a load of superfree fruit or a little selection of things you could have as your healthy B.
We're also mean't to bring some fruit or something in for the slimmer of the week box, but I always forget.
Oh and theres our FB group too, This "Team Tech Challenge" sounds really interesting, can you tell me more about it?
This "Team Tech Challenge" sounds really interesting, can you tell me more about it?

The group gets split down middle with a team captain each. The C awards points for every recipe tried or tips/ideas given (she randomly says 5000 pts or 10000 pts if it's a good one). 10000 Points are also given for awards (e.g. Stone, Club 10) and then as she goes through each person 1000 pts is given for every lb lost. The meeting ends with winning team announced and boos/cheers from everyone. It's all for fun and we all pretend to be really competitive over it even though there is no prize and it really means nothing. Regular members tend to sit on the same side of the room each week so they are on the same team each week. Our C jokes that none of her other C friends can ever get their groups to get involved in Team Tech Challenge but for some reason we all love it!!