Itoy & Suerti
Life is what you make it
So far I am sticking to my "lifestyle change" well... I am consistently getting up at 5 am Mon - Fri with my 2 dogs and going for an hours walk - i have switched to good quality wholegrain bread, and minimised the amount... I do however - have an addiction to Pepsi Max. basically the only thing I drink (apart from 1 glass of low - fat milk with breakfast of 2 eggs, one wholegrain toast, cottage cheese and baked beans) I average about 4 - 5 glasses a day :cry:Lunch i have a wholemeal wrap, usually with ham and salad - or i have a salmon salad... and dinner is usually 2 skinless chicken drumsticks with corn, tomato, pumpkin etc. Snacks are boiled eggs and also wholegrain Ryvita crackers... oh and watermelon Does this sound ok?
I am not going by weight, Im not sure what my current weight is - although I am guessing... 130ish Kgs. - yes, i know - disgusting... I am going by clothing sizes... and would also like to take a picture of myself in a mirror weekly or fornightly. I am currently size 24 - 26.
basically i need to lose it - no more second chances... if you have any more tips - by all means write it anything will be appreciated.
I am not going by weight, Im not sure what my current weight is - although I am guessing... 130ish Kgs. - yes, i know - disgusting... I am going by clothing sizes... and would also like to take a picture of myself in a mirror weekly or fornightly. I am currently size 24 - 26.
basically i need to lose it - no more second chances... if you have any more tips - by all means write it anything will be appreciated.