If your in ketosis.... some of it might be habit-hunger. We assosiate hunger with alot of diffrent things, for example.... I always liked warm comforting food when I was cold and tired. Last week I was freezing and thought i felt hungry.... I said outloud that i was starving, and was offered food.... but luckily after a few weeks I was able to say 'No, im not really hungry, im just cold and tired, and WANT to eat'... and once i'd said that outloud instead of thinking 'imhungryimhungryimhungry' I was able to go and do other things.
Hunger symptoms are: rumbling stomache, irritability, difficulty concentrating, dizzyness and headaches etc.
If your feeling those chances are your not fully in ketosis - sometimes it takes longer for people! If your not.... its not hunger just a craving.