so so glad


is getting better at it
to have a forced day off today as the cab broke down last night and the garage not open till tomorrow.
the weather is atrocious today pouring down and wind blowing a gale, so staying indoors and doing a lot of batch cooking
hope your all good on this horrible day
Oooo, got to love staying in doors all snuggled when it is dire outside. Wow, can I have some productivity, all I cam master is making me a brew :cry:
thats all i could manage earlier but looking through all the recipes on here has got me moving to make some, i need to have a good week this week as im getting a bit despondent with losing a lb a week and may just give up. i signed up to the sw slimathon and its not going well so far
Ooo, vairety is the spice of life. Although, I would be chuffed to bits to lose 1lb a week bearing in mind that be 52lbs in a year, not bad going really when all things considered :) What is slimathon?
basically its slimming world sponsored slim and you have to lose weight in six weeks and slimming world will match you £ for lb and i have collected over £100 in sponsorship for myself but its not going to good
any other time i would be happy with the pound loss each week