Sole source.. The more the better..


I wonder if you can help me.. I started cd ss on 16th april and in my 1st week i lost 9lb.. Absolutely chuffed with that.. But then week 2 was only 1lb and week 3 1lb.. The only change i made was changed 1 time shake for bars. Snd a bit of grilled chicken now again and that probaby 2 mouthfulls. I started at 15stone now im. 14st 1lb 1 drink upto 4 litre of water.. .. I feel like im wasting money.. Plz can some 1 help.. This week Im tryin without the bars and just havin shakes see if this makes a difference. Will let u knw on saturday wi day..?, my cdc said in 7 yrs she hasnt come any weightloss pattern on this Plan . Your help would be appreciated.,
Are you adding any exercise to your plan? That may help if your at the stage it is allowed. I've just ordered the insanity workout set, can't wait ish!!
Exercise.. Just a 15 min walk ti drop my son of to school and back notjing strenous as my cdc doensy reccomend it.. She says i dint have enough calories and i wint gey weight loss as yhe body mau go into starvation.. How r u getting on.. What plan ate u on?
Umm day 3 getting a bit ajatated, I want food, I'm dreaming of chips n mayo....trying to stay strong, this awfull taste in my mouth does'nt help!!

I'm doing ss+, which one are you doing again?
Ok so I did'nt get past day partner and I go for drinks once a week as part of our self couple counselling and I dived right I for a large glass of Rosie and garlic bread!!! It was a nose dive from there. But now I feel shift watch those that started when I did getting their results, well done them, proud of you all but for me I feel stuck. Do I feel worse on the diet feeling like I'm starved or off the diet feeling fat and irritated a my body!!!! Ummm

I'm going to try again, starting Monday, stage 3 with 3 meals and 2 products. This may be better for me as I can eat but moderated! We'll see!