Sophia's weekly weigh


Just done my first weeks weigh in and have lost 10lbs it really does work!

Worked out how much I have to lose in lbs, as I want to lose just over 6 stone. It works out at 88 lbs - two fat ladies! How appropriate is that!

I plan to post my weekly weigh ins. If I don't give me a nudge as I've probably fallen off the wagon, and I really want to do it this time.

Have a good week everyone.

10lbs gone -78 still to go
:party0011::party0011::party0011: Well done on a great first week - over 10% gone in one week!!!!
That is fantastic...well done
fantastic, well done. day 4 for me!
Well done Ladies!

good luck this week
Week 3 weigh in and another 4lb gone.

Feeling so much better already, no longer puffing when I walk up hill, not stiff when I get up after sitting down, and striding out and walking quicker. All good.

Now the challenge of week 4 and eating 200 calories of food each day.

18 lbs gone, 70 to go.

Have a good week everyone
Week 4

I've managed the week of adding extra food each day.
First day sorted out a huge (by Exante quantities) salad and was so bloated so that didn't work.
From then on I've gone for higher calories but smaller quantities and that was better.

Went away for the weekend so weighed in 2 days early. 1lb lost this week :), now got a week to loose any I've put on this weekend.

Back onto TS for the next 2.5 weeks before I go on holiday.

19lbs gone 69 to go
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Week 5

Very pleased that I have't found it difficult getting back to TS after week and a weekend away.

Seems that the week on some food has sped up this week's loss, anyone else noticed that the same happens to them?

5lb lost this week :-D

24lb gone 64 to go!
Wow you are doing so well Sophia. I started TS for the second time yesterday and so far so good. Like you I have 88lbs to loose so nice to see you on your weightloss journey and that the resukts are amazing. Nearly 2 st in 5 weeks!!! Whays not to like about them odds. We can do this :D

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Thanks, I'm still feeling very positive and motivated 6 weeks in. I usually give up after a few weeks when on all other diets, my weight has plateaued. Good luck with your restart, you'll soon catch me up
Thanks Sophia and your right about exante been an easier diet to follow. Like you I have always given up after a week or so.
I know I have a long way to go but feeling positive x

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Week 6 weigh in, another 4 lb gone :).

Off on holiday this week for just over 2 weeks, taking some packs with me and hoping to come back close to the same weight.

Been feeling really tired and washed out today, and hungry this evening (managed to have just 2 rashers of bacon, and am hoping that will keep me going). Hoping its just the holiday time wind down, and that I'm not sickening for something.

"See" you all in three weeks time.

28 lb gone; 60 lb to go.
Well done Sophia, thats great 4lbs and 28lbs all together in just 6 weeks.
I was feeling very tired and headache and have had a massive binge today.
Feel terrible about it but going to get back to it tomorrow and hopefully wont have gained by weigh in next Friday.
Hope you enjoy your holiday x

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Hi, try not to feel bad, the most important thing now is getting back to it tomorrow. We've all had a bad day, but where I've gone wrong in the past is when I weigh the next day, is thinking that the one bad day didn't really make any difference, so I have another bad day and another one and before I know it, that's the diet over....
So be strong and keep the one bad day behind you and move on at 100%.
Have a good day tomorrow and keep busy.
Back from holiday today and only 1 lb heavier, so well pleased. Back to TS trying for 100% this week. Have a good week all of you.

27lb gone - 61 to go
Well done Sophia. Thats great and you should be proud that you have proved to yourself your capable of not going crazy and gaining, once you are finished with exante :eek:

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