You can do it! You are doing brilliant and i don't think you ever need to be sorry about coming on here a lot! I know i have, especially at times that have been tough. Now i got into the habit of coming here so often i find i can't give it up though.... this forum has filled the big hole where food used to be. You can do the same and it is perfectly fine.
I had to restart twice so far and been on this 3 and a half weeks. Each time those first 3 days on plan were sooo hard. Day 2 is a real tough one, and day 3 is a little hard too. But you are half way through this tough part now and soon you will be in ketosis heaven, like i am now (even if the salesperson in the car showroom i just went into was backing away from me because of my bad breath, note to self: must buy breathspray).
I don't know about you, but i find that hunger peaks during lunchtime (12 til 2) and then eases a little, then peaks again in the evening. So if you are feeling ravenous right now, know that it is only temporary, your body is screaming at you because it thinks you have no fuel but you gotta tell it to get a grip cos it's just temporary. All feelings will pass, they are only temporary. But fat is not so temporary, so you really need to do this and will do it just to prove that you can. We are not failures and we CAN lose weight and we can put enough self-worth on ourselves to really care about our goals and actually see them through.