Spanish Stew


Gold Member
A couple of people have asked me for this recipe so here it is. I know some people like to spend their syns on 'treats' but to me, proper chorizo is SO worth it! :D

Serves: 6 people on EE
Syns per portion: 8.5


1 Chorizo Ring (the one i use is 225g)
Four slices of bacon (fat removed)
One large onion
Two peppers
10 mushrooms
2 tins of chopped tomatoes
2 tins of butter beans
10 new potatoes (chopped in half)
3 red chillies
5 cloves of crushed garlic
Heaped desert spoon of paprika
A little water


Cut chorizo and bacon into bite sized chunks. Do the same with the potatoes. Slice your onion into half rings and slice the peppers and onion. Finely slice your chillies and crush the garlic.

Take the lids of canned goods. When everything is prepped, add frylight to a warm pan- I use a deep stewing pan. Quickly brown your chorizo and bacon. Throw in the onions, peppers, chillies and garlic and gently fry until softened.

Add the paprika and give everything a good stir. Add the chopped tomatoes, butter beans, mushrooms, new potatoes and cover with just enough water to let the potatoes cook evenly. Let it gently simmer for an hour or until the potatoes and soft and cooked through. Have a taste and season with salt / pepper to your taste.


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