Special K's Blog Spot


Silver Member
Hi All

I am writing this before going to bed, to start the Dukan Diet tomorrow.

a bit about me:
i am 5ft 11" and currently weigh 377lbs, a whopping 26st13lb...

not the heaviest ive weighed but still horriffic :cry:

I have been on the Cambridge diet around the start of last year, i lost some weight and put on more since quitting.

As my signature suggests, i have a whole change of circumstances now and i WANT to make the changes i need,

I ditched the Ex, moved home to Mum n Dads, have family and friends around me now all the time and i feel a whole lot happier :)

I found a new chappie, and all though he wants to lose weight its only a stone or so, so he is doing the Eat Less, Move More approach :D

i plan on putting on my daily thoughts, feelings and menu plans the day before, so i can get help and in put.

I would really love to be a new Skinny nurse in 2 years when i qualify, so with any luck i will stick at this one better than the Cambridge Diet and be happy and healthy...

My plan for tomorrow is:
B - 2 scrambled or poached eggs
D - FF yogurt and oatbran
T - chicken breast with a marinate from left over yogurt and spices with NF Cottage Cheese

with oodles of water and 20 mins on home exercise equipment...

Help is needed though.

I have tried making the Galatte and it was out right awfull!!!
followed recipe:
1 1/2tblspn oat bran
1 1/2tblspn quark
1 egg

i added on first attempt black and red pepper, it was ok but very dry

second attempt was with Ginger (at the SIL request) this was vile...

ANY TIPS ON NICE AND EDIBLE GALATTES, ideas welcome and very much needed.

Anyway, i am going to bed, with my bottleof water and get ready for tomorrow :)

Good Night

Katy xxx
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Well done to you. It isnt easy to start something new, but you are an amazing person and you can do this. New man, new life and gorgeous new girl - watch this space
Good luck!!! You have an amazing attitude which I think is the most important thing! :D

I have just started Dukan as well so unfortunately cannot be too much help with the galette! :p
Welcome Special K and well done for taking the first step to changing your life even more radically... (check out my signature - I didn't lose the majority with Dukan, I hasten to add, but my life is a trillion percent better and different than before!).

Galette - your recipe is for the base, now for you to fill it or serve it as a "blini" next to perhaps some smoked salmon and spoonful fat free quark? Check out my muffin recipe in the recipe section perhaps.

Now to serious matters, your menu for today. It's hopelessly insufficient protein wise.

My plan for tomorrow is:
B - 2 scrambled or poached eggs

D - FF yogurt and oatbran
T - chicken breast with a marinate from left over yogurt and spices with NF Cottage Cheese

I'd suggest you have the oatbran galette WITH your two breakfast eggs. Yum.

Lunch - find yourself some chicken, salmon, prawns, fish - anything you bake yourself with some herbs? (Many say their best losses are days when they consume the entire chicken (wings aside, and no skin of course!) so don't hold back. You need to eat quite a bit of protein at your weight.)

Your dinner is fine for the main dish... how about a little starter, and a pud too? Check out our recipe section. The starter could be, say, a handful of prawns... pud, a total 0% yoghurt with some vanilla in? (I'm avoiding suggesting you bake an egg custard cos you'll already have had three today... but, another day, they're lovely.

Annamay - Thankies, i hope i can get to the new girlie bit :)
Lindasjb - Thankies again :) we can be new together

Maintainer - that plan didnt go off as plan anyway :O

i fancied something sweet this morning so i had the yogurt and Bran for breakfast along with a cuppa :)

Dinner i with try and find something in the freezer i am sure there is something in there :)

Similarly with tea too :)

how much protein should i be eating as in weight of chicken and things like yogurt?

i have read the book, but i dont think i have found how much i can eat :s

I really dont like the galatte, it hink its vile, unless i am making it wrong :/

K xx
you could also try making porridge with your oatbran, im not a porridge lover .... it makes me gag LOL but i can eat the oatbran porridge :) i make mines with oatbran, 1 tbsp sweetner some of my milk quota & some vanilla or cinnamon.... bung it all in a bowl.... microwave for a minute leave to stand for a couple of mins then stir and microwave it for anouther 30 secs adding more milk if ness
well up to now, todays plan has been thrown out the window, i just didnt fancy it!!!

so instead ive had
B - NF Greek Yogurt, Oat Bran and a srinkling of jelly... Looked ank but very nommy!!
D - Whole packet of Chicken with Tikka spice mix, tried to do a sauce with a bit of Quark and a bit of milk, forgot about it and it all simmered away... Ah well
T - 2 Tins of Tuna with Cottage Cheese with Chives

Snack - small pack of Chicken slices
Just on second bottle of water, but had 2 cups of tea... does this count towards water consumption???
also, with my manic sweet tooth, how many sweetners can i have per day, at the minute i only have the little tablet ones...

Just raided the Piggy Box, £35 later, i can go and get some shopping that will make the next week easier.
NF yougurts
Sliced Chicken
Chicken fillets
tinned tuna and salmon
NF cottage Cheese

Is the Rowntrees jelly crystals ok? the sugar free ones?

Muchos Thankies for reading me ranting :)
Day 1 over... PHEW
By now on Cambridge i would have been itching for food... i feel ok, tired but ok :) i think i am starting with a cold, ive felt run down the last 3 days and starting today probably hasnt helped it, but never mind..

my total consuption for today:

1 and a half tubs of FF Greek yogurt with Rowntrees jelly crystals
1/2 pack of chicken slices
500grams of chicken in a curry thingymebob
2 tins of tuna with cottage cheese
2 eggs scrambled
4 litres of water, 2 cups of tea

i hope that all that was ok...

i think i am having tomorrow

B - Cinnamon Muffin - got the recipe earlier, just not had time to bake, with FF Greek yogurt with sweetner
D - Prawns - never had them before so i will be looking for something to do with them and what to have with it
T - Chicken in marinate of Cajun i think...

S - Chicken slices, eggs of some description

more water and perhaps some tea too

hope this is better

K x
Looks good Special K. Watch those spice mixes for hidden nasties (sugars, etc.) so perhaps use your own spices rather. While you're on attack, there is no limit to fat free sugar free dairy... Once in cruise, 1K limit total dairy.

As to how much you should eat, you should not go hungry. There is an official 1-1.5g protein minimum per kilo you weigh piece of advice, but the calculations are complicated as it's not weight of chicken etc but amount of protein contained in the chicken.

Cook from scratch where you can. Those slices will be a great snack once you're back at Uni but they usually have salt added so best cook your own while you've time.

How many days' attack are you planning?

For the oatbran, I recommend muffins wholeheartedly! You can make them for several days (remember to eat your 1.5 tablespoon allowance only per day mind!) and keep them in the fridge, or even freeze in advance while you've time on your hands.

Good luck!

(and drink PLENTY of H2O... and a sugar free multi vitamin is a good idea...)
Thankies Maintainer :)

I will be doing 7 days Attack, thats what the website says... Cant wait to have Veggies again :)

I will at some point try the muffins, but I am quite liking my bran in yogurt at the minute with SF jelly :) I am also going to try the Egg Custards today I think, but as a general rule, I dont like the ones you can buy, so Im doubtful I will enjoy these...

I just feel so sluggish and drained, is this normal?

Katy xx
Wow that's a fantastic loss :)
Excellent Special K. Today is day 2, so you might well be feeling a little tired today and tomorrow also. Hopefully, by day four, you'll be invigorated and energised!

Be sure to eat plenty of protein :)
Thankies Ellie :) i know i shouldnt have hopped on the scales, but couldnt help it!!!

Maintainer - I feel rotten, bad headache and feeling really lethargic i hope this picks up...
Well Day 2 nearly over.

B - Yogurt, Oatbran and Jelly

D - 2 egg scrambled with prawns <-- Never again with added cottage cheese to disguise the prawns, extra yogurt and jelly

T - 2 Chicken breasts with herbs, I tried making a creamy sauce with a bit of fromage frais and quark, but it went all gunky and separated... any ideas? more yogurt and Jelly

2 litres of water 3 cups of tea
no snacks

feeling tired and lethargic, hopefully this will clear for morning, as I have a full day of Uni :(

Plan for tomorrow:

B - Cinnamon muffin (going to go and bake now)
Bit of sweetned yogurt

D - 2 Salmon Fillets and Cottage cheese (hopefully the girls at uni wont notice the lack of veg...)
Yogurt with Jelly

T - 2 Chicken Breasts with some sort of sauce and cottage cheese.

2 Lites of water a couple of cups of tea
Loads of CPR as its my Requal day, and hopefully i can try and get some exercise done, as I've done nothing for 2 days.

Nearly bed time to catch up on last nights soaps, just got the baking to do.

K xxx
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Hope the baking went well. It will be one LARGE muffin, hopefully, as I get three medium out of the mix. Enjoy your day at Uni...

(fat free dairy doesn't like being heated much and tends to separate... perhaps your fat free fromage frais and quark as a marinade rather, leaving your chicken in it (with dried garlic, herbs, ginger? curry powder?) and dry frying in a pan. I like eating chicken that way.

If friends comment on your lack of veg, I'm sure they'll have heard of the Dukan diet and will, as future medical professionals - even if they don't approve of the diet - applaud your decision to wish to lose weight and support you.

Ditto maintainer if they ask be open about it.... There are a lot worse fad diets out there and the way I see it is this diet is much better for you than abusing your body on junk food ;)
Coming to the end of day 3 and i am feeling heaps better, the headache is subsiding and i am feeling more energised, i may even attemp a swim tomorrow... may attempt if i can find a suitable swimming costume.

Uni had been a blast today, we had our clinical skills were we lean new things as students and today i volunteered my self to be on the receiving end of a tube that goes up your nose and into the stomach... trust me, not the nicest feeling ever, but at least i can sympathise with my future patients :)

Todays food

B - 2 Cinnamon Muffins FF Yogurt with a bit of canderell
S - Turkey pieces with cajun spice
D - 2 Salmon fillets with FF cottage cheese, 1 Cinnamon muffin, yogurt with SF Jelly
S - Yoguurt with splenda
T - Mince meat dry fried with mint herbs with a bit of quark with piri piri spice

2 litres of water (some more to follow in the evening) 3 cup of teas.

Maintainer, the muffin mix i found on here for 12 muffins, i halved the mixture (just incase i didnt like it) and still got 6 fair sized muffins out of it, they were ok, im not mad on them, but they will do.

At least i now know not to try and cook with FF Dairy... i will try it as a marinade or perhaps a dip instead of cooking with it, something to look into :)

Uni was interesting today, apart from having a tube shoved up my nose as a demonstration the girls picked up on the lack of veg and questioned me on my choices of diet and so on, they wernt impressed as they are all big carb eaters and remain rather skinny for it too :( but i just said its my choice and i tried to explain it to them with no avail... so ho hum, they will just have to put up with the spectacular results instead :)

Thanks Ellie too, i am just not letting anybody get me down, ive had fantastic results even though im only coming to the end of day 3, and i shouldnt have scale hopped but i did :) so all is well in the world of Specialk the student nurse :)

any way when i figure out what i am having tomorrow i shall up date my thread, but till then i think i am going to find some more recepies to have :)

Katy xx
sounds like your doin so well hun! congrats! I can see your ideas of recipes are becoming better, i hope to get there soon! lol well speak soon and keep up the good work :)
